My Life has been a total wreck

by bloominglotus 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • nugget

    Welcome BloomingLotus what a packed introduction with so much trauma already.

    Just remember you are an adult you do not need to do anything you do not want to do. There is no must it is all about choices.

    As far as the congregation is concerned they seem prepared to let you fade and have made minimal effort to help and support you. You have already built a life with your husband that does not involve them. I would focus on that relationship. What they choose to do is up to them.

    Your mother is not ready to hear the reality about her organisation. Rather then tell her try to get her to look into things herself. With mine I just said that I had concerns about the recent direction the society was taking. I asked her if she had noticed the changes in doctrine and what she thought. about things like the change in baptism questions, the change in generation, the change in the status of the annointed. I said I wanted to serve Jehovah not an organisation and needed time to examine what was needed to do that. The bible tells us that even if an angel from heaven was to tell us a false doctrine we should not believe them, people are infalible so the scripture tells us we have a responsibility to constantly check what we believe, I am exercising that right.

    If something is true no amount of searching will make it a lie. Truth should never fear scrutiny only error and deceit need worry about that.

    My advice is treat everyone as you would like to be treated how they choose to behave is up to you.

  • thenoblelodge

    Hi Blooming and welcome.

    Loads of good advice given, sit and read it and digest it.

    We all had nightmare experiences in the ORG but we are all free now, including you. Give your mom lots of love, she is still under mind control so will say things that will cut you like a knife at times.

    It's great you still have a faith in God, many of us on here still do.... but there are just as many who don't (that's their problem, LOL).

    Enjoy having a normal life and don't worry about celebrations, they are what you make them. From a once hard core JW I now love 'em.

    There are newbies signing up everyday and telling us their stories, many are heart breaking as they have lost family and friends and don't know what to do. It's great to watch them recover and start making new lives for themselves. You have your husband and girls so enjoy them and start making some wonderful memories.

    Don't look behind, look forward...if you keep looking back you do nothing but trip up and fall down. Life's too short.

    If it all gets too much just stand still and breathe, works a treat.

    ((((((hugs))))))) and here's to a happy and successful life.

  • Dumi

    Hello BloomingLotus

    Welcome to the forum, so sorry to hear about your story...

    We're all here to support each other and to listen

  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl


    wow, your story took me time to digest, thank you for sharing it with us...I too have a "taddler" JW mom & am faced with the decision to tell her I am not comming back to the organization. It has been a year since I left and at the time the elders pushed me to DA myself & threatened me with "don't think you can just come back to meetings- you will probably be DFd"- but I refused to do either & I agree with everyone else....

    let some time pass- don't DA yourself, you can't take that back & your mom will be persuaded to conform or feel terribly guilty for going against the organization.

    The elders eventually left me alone & it sounds like they will with you too, your mom will simmer down and get busy with theocratic activities & the "apostate" issue will subside because she will realize that she wants to keep her relationship with you.

    I pray for you to find peace and happiness (yes, I do not pray to "Jehovah" anymore)



  • snowbird


    You are among fellow survivors and friends here.

    Take your time; don't rush into anything, but trust your instincts.

    Everything you've noted about the WT organization is 100% true.

    Peace and love from one sista to another.


  • mentallyfree31

    Welcome. Wow, what a story. Many have gone through similar things. You will pull through this, and there is a great and happy life outside the JW cult.


  • leavingwt

    Welcome to JWN!

  • cyberjesus

    welcome. take your time and dont rush telling anybody your new beliefs. get to know the battlefield first. your family and friends will have it easier to talk to you if you are only inactive. if you get Dfd you know the treatment. but being DA or labeled apostate is another ball game. they will be afraid of talking to you. I have family who are dfd and they are afraid of me since I turned Apostate.

  • funnyface

    Welcome to JWN. I am the Granny on board .
    I would like to advise you to NOT deprive your little ones of the Holidays
    First of all many of the things are pagan as been told above. But to cut
    kids off Birthdays, Christmas etc is cruel to the kids. I brought MY kids up as JWS
    Then was kicked out because not believing Christ came invisably in 1914
    I was devastated!!!!!!wanted to kill myself. A daughter is still in bondage ,3
    of my kids died, I have one that is out > she is GUS GUS on here none of her kids
    believe in anything spiirituel Only because the WT was all wrong. But you should
    see how they enjoy the holidays !!!!!They love them...It sounds like you have a
    good hubby!!! stay close to him & your kids ,let your Mum & Dad lead their lives
    but DONT disguss the religion with them at all. Tell her the kettle is boiling & get off
    the phone...They taught me how to lie.....Gods blessing go with you


  • Scarred for life
    Scarred for life

    Welcome to JWN! I agree with Mouthy above.

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