Another wonderful part this week at the meeting. And this is what the brother said.
He related examples, based on the OM book, as to how Jehovah kept records. Funny part is, they all applied to population, the amount of people.
Is there any part of the Bible that talks about how Jehovah kept a log of hours on some occasion? How about Jesus.
Oh yea, here is the scripture, Hezekiah 10:14, "And on the 30th day of the menstrual cycle of his mother, the LORD proceeded to report the total time spent in the work of the LORD, namely the ministry. And he proceeded to the local counter at the temple and requested a time slip, made of the finest papyrus. He gave thought to his activity and found it fair to say that he self-sacrificingly devoted 120 hours to the work this month. And he continually did this from that day on, for 3 and 1/2 years, until his death."