MrMonroe - It is just such an offensive concept. Could they imagine Jesus keeping a tally of the number of people who listened to him and writing down the number of hours and minutes he spent "in the work"?
I was just talking to my father about this today. Funny enough that he brought up that exact thing! When was Jesus ever documented retreiving, filling on, and turning in a time slip - late or on time? Only in the JW world!
Billy the Ex-Bethelite - According this the drama at this summer's Discrap Crapvention, the Christians who evidently fled to Pella, also evidently kept attendance records for their five weekly meetings and turned in their field service records of hours, placements, and return visits... on time.
Yes this was completely ridiculous! And it bothered me even more since I already knew they were going to show that in the drama because people had talked about it here. I just wonder where in the Bible you find that backed up. Oh yea, again, only in the JW world!