Spiritual Upbuilding….
“Have you entered into God’s rest?” (Heb 4:10, 11) All were encouraged to cease ‘dead works’ (Heb 6:1)
Self-evaluation: …Ask yourself how you would react to counsel regarding personal lifestyle? What if the scriptural counsel differs from personal opinion? Will you be obedient in molding?
Example: An adult child who lives outside of the household is DFd? While the term ‘Necessary family business’ is a term familiar with those in this circumstance; the GB wants to stress there is no need to push this to the extreme! ….Basically to shorten the example and to get to the heart of the matter….. there must be incentive for the DFd person to want to return. Parents are encouraged to give a little but to leave the DFd child desiring for more while promoting their actions as motivate by their love for Jah. The end result is hope that the DFd child in wanting full access to the abundant love of his parents willl also begin to see his losses in not having a relationship with Jehovah and seek reinstatement.
First off, it appears this only applies to children/close relatives. Do you see this as a small lightening, perhaps leading to more change...or simply talking out of both sides of the mouth and perhaps covering themselves legally by admonishing not to be extreme?