Treatment of Dfed children

by isaacaustin 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • GrandmaJones

    Gee, I totally see this as a lightening up. It directs the parents to "give a little bit" while still limiting (basically, don't talk religion, and don't see them every day) so the children want to return. The policy was pretty extreme already, and I think this loosens things a little. I agree that it already is not being enforced everywhere. I know of an elder whose daughter was recently disfellowshipped who immediately stepped aside, telling the other members of the BOE that if his little girl needs him, he will be there for her. He tells other people too, so lots of us here in the congregation know. No body thinks anything about it, and most of us completely agree. He has been an elder for over 35 years, and everyone respects his opinion.

    So, you elders on this board, don't think the congregation isn't paying attention as you make small changes and comments. They do, and it changes the way the R&F feel about things. Your example in this regard is very meaningful.

  • isaacaustin

    GrandmaJones, I just can't see it that way in light of the way I see the study WT's building fear of apostates and so much talk on 'worldly association'...time will tell I guess.

  • Gayle

    We, on the Internet, and people around the world, and on Facebook, and Russia, etc etc, are exposing the WTS for being "extremists," or extremely unloving on their shunning policy,,announcing that the member is no longer "officially" a JW, which is in action to mean to never say hello to them again.

    The GB do not like this notoriety, this image and don't like being called "extremists." However, that is what they are. They have their own meaning of love and it is disgusting.

    Most GB never had children and therefore do not identify with this reality.

  • miseryloveselders

    Grandma Jones, its not lightening up. You read the context wrong just as I did initially. Its the same old BS, with a subtle bit of counsel to not go further in association with DF'd or DAd family members than whats absolutely necessary to handle family business.

  • Magwitch

    Please tell me where this article came from.

  • blondie

    "Keep Yourself in God's Love" page 208, 209, "In other cases, the disfellowshipped relative may be living outside the immediate family circle and home. Although there might be a need for limited contact on some rare occasion to care for a necessary family matter, any such contact should be kept to a minimum. Loyal Christian family members do not look for excuses to have dealings with a disfellowshipped relative not living at home. Rather, loyalty to Jehovah and his organization moves them to uphold the Scriptural arrangement of disfellowshipping."

    *** w07 1/15 p. 20 Remaining Steadfast When a Child Rebels ***While caring for necessary family matters may require some contact with the disfellowshipped person, a Christian parent should strive to avoid needless association.

    *** w83 1/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***Of course, the grandparents have to determine if some necessary family matters require limited contact with the disfellowshipped children. And they might sometimes have the grandchildren visit them.

    *** w81 9/15 p. 29 par. 18 If a Relative Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***The second situation that we need to consider is that involving a disfellowshiped or disassociated relative who is not in the immediate family circle or living at one’s home. Such a person is still related by blood or marriage, and so there may be some limited need to care for necessary family matters.

    *** w83 1/1 p. 31 Questions From Readers ***Of course, the grandparents have to determine if some necessary family matters require limited contact with the disfellowshipped children. And they might sometimes have the grandchildren visit them.

    *** w81 9/15 p. 29 par. 18 If a Relative Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***The second situation that we need to consider is that involving a disfellowshiped or disassociated relative who is not in the immediate family circle or living at one’s home. Such a person is still related by blood or marriage, and so there may be some limited need to care for necessary family matters.

  • donuthole
    Parents are encouraged to give a little but to leave the DFd child desiring for more while promoting their actions as motivate by their love for Jah. The end result is hope that the DFd child in wanting full access to the abundant love of his parents willl also begin to see his losses in not having a relationship with Jehovah and seek reinstatement.

    This is a softening of the previous stance in my opinion. When it says "give a little" it is different than the written rules that pretty much don't allow parents to give their children the time of day. Also when it says the child will want "full access to the abundant love of his parents" it implies that they will be allowed to show some degree of love to their DF'd children which again is opposite to the rather cold businesslike stance they are required to take at present.

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Doesn't this say something for the WTS when people on this board have to have discussions as to what is meant? If the people here cannot make nor tail of it, what hope for the R & F?


  • miseryloveselders

    Doesn't this say something for the WTS when people on this board have to have discussions as to what is meant? If the people here cannot make nor tail of it, what hope for the R & F?


    LOL True. One thing though is this is second hand information, so the meaning maybe lost in translation.

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