Does The Name Really Matter?

by AGuest 189 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... may you have peace!

    As you know I have, for many years now, related to you that I hear the voice of the Fine Shepherd, the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. Over such years I have received many questions and comments, and engaged in various debates regarding the validity of that name. During this time, many... including some of you... have expressed concern, frustration, and even exasperation at not hearing that One's voice... although professing to have called out to HIM. Some have acquiesced and come to the conclusion that communication is one-way, that although they might call out to him... he does/will/can not answer. At least, not as far as they have ever been able to tell. And some of you may be among them.

    If so, I would like to ask you to consider, if you would be so kind... that perhaps the NAME you've been calling UPON... is another "thing" standing between you and hearing his voice. For example, recently, a dear one here posted that she had finally heard our Lord's name. When asked that name, however, who it was that spoke to her, she did not respond "Jesus." She responded "Jaheshua Mischajah." And she was very certain that she had heard that One's voice.

    Our Lord was recorded to say, as to those scribes and Pharisees who "seat themselves in the seat of Moses"... "do as they SAY, but not as they DO." When you were in the WTBTS (those of you that were) and thus among them, you heard it said that the name of God is important. Albeit, "THEY" taught you an erroneous and inaccurate name... the name of the Most Holy One of Israel really IS important... because it is HIS name that identifies our Lord's name... and our Lord's name that identifies HIS ("... blessed is he who comes in the name of..."). However, if we don't really know EITHER name... well, I am sure you understand my point.

    For centuries, now, most profess that the name they call upon is "Jesus." At the same time, they confess that they while THEY speak to HIM... call out to HIM... cry to HIM... they don't hear HIM speak to THEM. I offer to you, however, that I did not call upon ANY name when first asking to know my Lord, but simply to know God's truth... which turned out to be my Lord, the Truth... who told me his name. In that same light, I offer to you that while MANY call upon the name "Jesus"... most profess to hear nothing; however, ALL who call upon the name "JAH e SHUA"... profess to hearing that One speak... at some time or another.

    Now, of course, there are those who might say to you, "Well, wait, doesn't your God/Christ KNOW who you are calling out to? Why do you have to call on a specific name?" But we know the answer to that, don't we? Besides the fact that it is those who call on the NAME of [Christ] who are saved... we also know that both the Most Holy One and the Holy One of Israel knowing who YOU mean is beside the point - the point is whether YOU know who you're calling upon. Because there are there are MANY gods. We also know that our Lord calls HIS sheep by name... meaning that while there are MANY sheep... not all of them are his.

    So, I offer to you... indeed, I exhort YOU... that if you ARE still asking, seeking, and knocking... indeed, calling out and/or crying out... but are hearing/receiving nothing... you may wish to take a moment and consider WHO it is that you are calling/crying out TO... and why that one apparently isn't "answering" or speaking to you.

    There is no "Jesus," dear ones... contrary to what the English Bibles may state. There is, however, the Holy One of Israel, who is the Holy Spirit... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... who is the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel... JAH... of Armies.

    I bid you all the greatest of love and peace... and ears to HEAR, if you wish them, when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:

    "Come! Take 'life's water'... FREE!"

    Your servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... and a slave of Christ,


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Sorry - Bunk is still bunk, no matter how sincere.

    I feel sorry for those still trapped in the naming of invisible little friends, and thinking it important.


  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    Well I only ever heard the name Jaheshua last week. So how would I be able to call on a name I never heard before? Wouldn't he have to speak to me first to tell me what the name I was supposed to use was?

    Questions: How do you know that ALL who call on the name Jaheshua hear him speak at some time or another? Do you know them ALL and did they each confirm this with you? How many followers of Jaheshua are there? Did ALL of those people who you know of who were spoken to by Jaheshua happen to hear the name from you first?

  • CandleLight

    My Lord is not limited in power in reaching his sheep by them knowing by which name to call him.

    For He has said, My sheep will know my voice and follow me. (he did not say name). For those with an honest heart, he can reach them where they are, and help them to hear his call and his answers in many different ways, not always audibly. You see he knows his sheep by name.

    While I did not say he does not have a name, I do not feel that it hold a 'special key' to finding him. He is not limited by such things.



  • OnTheWayOut

    I typically don't like people trying to win arguments on JWN by saying "You sound/act just like Watchtower/the elders."
    So please understand that I resisted that as much as possible up to this point. But I must go there.

    AGuest's opening post here could be loaded with "Evidently" or other buzzwords of WT articles. It offers no checkable references. It uses the flawed logic that suggests devout Christians haven't heard an answer in the name of their object of devotion, so maybe they are using the wrong name. It gives an unknowable example of one who has followed the recommended path of this post and reports on her success. It appeals to Christians' sense that they learned something valuable in their religion but it was missing the mark because it used some doctrine/teaching that was "erroneous and inaccurate." All you have to do is "listen to us/me for the real truth of the matter" seems to be AGuest's message here.

    Many have asked why I pick on her or the other one who claims that the Lord spoke to them on trivial matters. I imagine the vast majority of you will start to see the danger in patronizing delusions. (This is the first time I have seen AGuest put "Jaheshua Mischajah" in words containing small-case letters. Even here, she uses all caps and the small case for what someone else said.)

    So, I offer to you... indeed, I exhort YOU... that if you ARE still asking, seeking, and knocking... indeed, calling out and/or crying out... but are hearing/receiving nothing... you may wish to take a moment and consider WHO it is that you are calling/crying out TO... and why that one apparently isn't "answering" or speaking to you.
    There is no "Jesus," dear ones... contrary to what the English Bibles may state. There is, however, the Holy One of Israel, who is the Holy Spirit... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... who is the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel... JAH... of Armies.

    AGuest is now actually calling out to others to join her in using the name she made up for "the Lord." Just go ahead and fulfill the prediction from WTS that people leave to start their own religion. I know you will say that it is not your intention at all, but you sure have a running start on it.

    At least you who are Christians ought to see the dangers here and be disgusted with AGuest's suggestions to abandon "Jesus" and embrace this unknown Lord who has revealed himself in name to someone on the internet.

  • Twitch

    yea,...wait until the protestations of innocence and line by line "cross" examination of your viewpoint. unbeliever!


  • OnTheWayOut

    OH, typically I ignore newbies that appear to be trolls. AGuest is not a newbie, but....

    .....if it were not for reputable ones like Outlaw swearing he knows AGuest, I would assume she is a troll just trying to waste our time with this gibberish. I could imagine her laughing that she even has people calling out audibly to some name she made up, has them telling their own stories of how the Lord spoke to them. Since she doesn't quite fit that category, then I am left to wonder if she is just waiting for a mental breakdown, either because she really believes her own made up stories already or because she keeps going deeper and deeper in making them up until she loses reality.

    So, all you Shelby-lovers can relax now. I will treat her like the troll that is just wasting my time. I don't promise to totally ignore her, I mean you wouldn't ignore a whacko with a gun in your workplace, but I think she reveals her danger well enough that I can stop pointing it out now.

    Good day, AGuest. You can simply ignore my posts on this thread as I will not bother responding to your line-by-line dissection. Good day.

  • notverylikely

    There is no "Jesus," dear ones... contrary to what the English Bibles may state. There is, however, the Holy One of Israel, who is the Holy Spirit... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... who is the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel... JAH... of Armies.

    Despite the fact that you are still using a grammatically incorrect version of a mistranslated name based on a mistransliteration....

    Think about it this way, if your lord or holy spirit were in ANY way responsible he would act as I (and many other parents do). Let's say I have my kids. Mom isn't around. If my kids are outside and I hear one scream "Mom, I need help!", I don't ignore them because they used the wrong name. They are my children and I love them so I go help them.

    If your lord can't even act as as good a parent as a flawed asshole like me, then he is a total dick.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I will respond to my good friends like NVL with a high-five, though.

  • notverylikely

    I give, you friend, the highest of fives.

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