A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, by BRUCE M. METZGER

by possible-san 34 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious

    Terry, the answer to both your questions is one of two answers.

    Answer #1: "Pretzel Logic"

    Answer #2: "God works in mysterious ways"


  • myelaine

    dear Terry...

    1. the Holy Spirit was to bring to rememberance everything that Jesus said, so you might accept that answer.

    2. again as a human on earth Jesus relied on the power of His heavenly Father for His entire ministry...subjecting Himself to the will of His Father.

    He remained true to His identity as the Son.

    love michelle

  • debator

    hi myelaine

    Not just while on earth Jesus remains Gods son in heaven too. Stting on his father's righthand and calling his father "my God" in the revelation vision were he remains separate to God his father. Trinity ignores this.

  • possible-san


    Thank you for commenting in this thread.


    I do not have hate which other people may feel to you.
    But, I think that you need to study more.

    I do not believe the Trinity like you.
    I am not a fundamentalist first of all.

    But, I do not attack the Trinity like you.
    For my own faith/belief, there is no requisiteness of attacking the Trinity.
    At this point, I think that your faith/belief is "morbid/unhealthy", IMO.

    Well, with regard to the Trinity doctrine, people have various viewpoints.
    But, I had explained once in this forum on the basis of the doctrine of the main churches in Japan.
    According to that doctrine, Jesus is not Jehovah.Or even if the name of the Trinity God is Jehovah/Yahweh, they teach that "the Father" is different from "the Son."And that is the "Trinity."

    Probably, the Watch Tower society did not tell you such a Trinity theory.
    Therefore, I think that people would express your explanation as a "straw man." http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Straw_man

    First, I think that you should stop attacking people's belief.
    And, you should learn that listening to the opinions of people, and understanding them correctly.
    After you understand correctly, it is OK that you criticize their belief.

    I hope your improvement in this point.


  • debator

    Hi Possible san

    All I was doing was pointing out an obvious error in Mylene's answer this is not a ministry place but a debate forum where correct information is the point. I do not need to get into bed with trinitarians on here (or indeed at any time). Jesus had no problem condemning the pharasees and saducees for their false teachings maybe you should tell him off too?

    Matthew 23:33
    "You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell?

  • myelaine

    dear debator...

    I just looked through the revelation and I can't find where Jesus is called the Son of God anywhere or where God is called Father...

    Jesus is "seen" as the Lamb...One like the Son of Man. rev.1:13, 1:17

    revelation 22:3-5

    love michelle

  • possible-san


    I think that you have neither "introspection" nor an attitude you "ask for instruction" to others.
    In other words, that means you as "haughty" (you are not modest).

    All I was doing was pointing out an obvious error in Mylene's answer this is not a ministry place but a debate forum where correct information is the point. I do not need to get into bed with trinitarians on here (or indeed at any time).

    What is an "obvious error" in what Ms. myelaine said?
    First of all, can't you write even her name (myelaine) correctly?

    She/myelaine said like this.

    2. again as a human on earth Jesus relied on the power of His heavenly Father for His entire ministry...subjecting Himself to the will of His Father.

    What is an "obvious error"?
    She has not said an "obvious error."

    Her explanation has a "common feature" with your belief.
    She has distinguished between "Jesus" and the "Father."
    And she says, "subjecting Himself."

    Before you attack her, you should hear her opinion carefully.


  • debator

    Hi possible san

    You clearly did not read my reply. Yes Myelaine was pointing out Jesus was God's son on earth but she was implying that this changes when he goes to heaven.

    and for Myelaine.

    Revelation 14:1
    [ The Lamb and the 144,000 ] Then I looked, and there before me was the Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, and with him 144,000 who had his name and his Father's name written on their foreheads.

    who is the lambs father?

  • Ding

    I'm sure Bruce Metzger would have said "God the Father."

    He would also have said that the Lamb is "God the Son."

    Metzger was a Trinitarian.

  • possible-san


    You clearly did not read my reply.

    Isn't that you?

    Furthermore, you have not received my advice seriously.

    Yes Myelaine was pointing out Jesus was God's son on earth but she was implying that this changes when he goes to heaven.

    I see.

    Well, as for it, she answered to the question of Terry. (She did not answer to you then.)
    He has made reference about Jesus prayed to the Father.
    And with his first question, especially he has said "in the garden of Gethsemane."
    Therefore, her answer was fitted to that. (I think)

    And I think that Mr. Terry questioned especially to the Trinitarian.
    Therefore, she answered to that question as a Trinitarian.
    You do not need to accuse against that answer.
    Your manner of speaking is only impolite to her.


    I do/can not speak English basically.
    However, I think that I may probably understand the thing which they want to say, better than you.

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