My Dad read something online that I posted and told the other elders (he's the BOE coord.). They've read me articles about homosexuality and tried to coerce me to stay with the family instead of living with my uncle for a week. I went to my uncle's anyway. They called my uncle's phone number because I turned my phone off on purpose and want to meet with me here in Brooklyn where my uncle lives. How can I get them to leave me the fuck alone? (please understand how it's getting on my nerves!)
Get the elders to leave me alone!!
by bottleofwater 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Just tell them to leave you the F.....K alone!!!!
and in those words, yep you got it right the first
assert yourself....
Tell them you are in not capable of talking to them right now.....
Tell them you understand their position but at the same time you feel you are being crowded (hence staying at uncle's).
Ask them if they really want to be the ones who push you into a corner causing you to lose your salvation because they lacked patience.
Cite the prodigal son.......
troubled mind
You have a message check the pm at top right . Sometimes you have to click onto it twice for it to work .
Black Sheep
They have a mental disorder. They don't want your help for it, so just ignor every attempt to contact you, or do what wasblind suggested.
Hang a Xmas deco on the front door.
Just tell them to fuck off. Say it like you mean it.
Tell them you will sue them for violating your Civil Rights.....and then give them an attorney's phone number. They bowed out of harrassing me after I had that conversation with them.
Time to bust out a can of whoop ass?
2 things:
I generally live with my parents. My Dad is the coordinator of the BOE.
They advised that I not stay with my uncle for even a week and I disobeyed. It's my f-in business. (Pardon my French.)