Living w your parents does make it more complicated. No point in getting yourself kicked out. The reverse tactic might work better, make like you are cooperating w the elders as best you can.
by bottleofwater 64 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Living w your parents does make it more complicated. No point in getting yourself kicked out. The reverse tactic might work better, make like you are cooperating w the elders as best you can.
Do you plan on returning to your parents home?
Are you trying not to get DF'd?
Not sure of your situation, please elaborate (without blowing your cover).
If you are underage, your dad will get you back under his roof.
edited: I looked at his other post, He is 19. You are free to go!
Dear bottleofwater.
Your name is suggestive of a path to resolution.
I recommend, the next time the elders visit you, you break out a bottle of (holy) water.
You will then splash it upon them while exclaiming "the power of Christ compels you."
I guarantee you will never receive a visit again. This exorcism will work.
Holy Water is that powerful. I always keep a bottle next to my bed, in case of Vampire attack, or what's worse, Elder attack.
Dare I say this is one of those 'be your own man, make your own way' moments in your life .......dividing yourself from the child you have been and stepping into the man you are becoming.
It is hard if your parents aren't emotionally prepared to let go.......
Realize you are their 'baby'...... even at 70 you will be their 'baby'.
Be kind, be firm ...... if you cave shake their hands, look them in the eye keep your shoulders squared and maintain this is all just a normal transition. Tell Pops how much you love him, respect him and admire how hard he has worked to prepare you for this day.
The solution is an easy one- if you are man enough to do it.
Realize you are their 'baby'...... even at 70 you will be their 'baby'.
I'm sorry but that's just not encouraging. I'm dealing with parents (69 and 66) who want to treat me like I'm a baby (under their control and without a mind to survive without them) and I'm a married woman of 45 with four kids. I, for one, don't want to think of my children as "babies" forever. I want them to become adults and do me proud by going out into the world and taking care of themselves. I have no desire to try to control every aspect of their lives until my death.
My best advice for you young man is to make definate plans to move out of your parents' house. Hopefully you can get a job and save some money before you go but I believe it would behoove you to get out as soon as you can. Doesn't mean you don't love your parents but you gotta fly some time.
If your father has a go at you, ask him to draw you up a list of years from Nebuchadnezzar to Nabonidus showing which king reigned in each year & to quote his sources.
If he tries to get out of it by bullying, accuse him of bullying. If he tries to change the subject accuse him of trying to change the subject etc..
If he asks why? tell him you will discuss that after he has given you this list. Just cut off every attempt to get out of answering your question, including character assassination.
Insist on an answer that you could give at the door, without looking like a fool and without tricking the HH by changing the subject, attacking his character, or having to sneak off with your tail between your legs because you don't have a sensible answer.
"Because it's the Truth","These people are Bible scholars" and "These people are Spirit directed" are not evidence and are not suitable answers for a HH or minister who is not already a convert. They are nothing more than statements of faith in the teachings of a person's selected religious leaders and are used by other religions too. Point that out if he tries to use them.
Make sure you do this with an audience, so that if he behaves like a pompous ass, the whole family gets to see it.
You must try to remain calm and sincere while you do this.
Hint ..... If anyone tries to weasel their way out of this, the lengths of the reigns of these kings are given in the WTCD, so they don't need to go to non-WT sources to do it.
Do you plan on returning to your parents home? Yes. My uncle doesn't plan to keep me longer than a week. He says he has his own life and can't have me here when he gets girls over.
Are you trying not to get DF'd? Whatever gets me out with as little stress and anxiety as possible.
By the way, has anyone ever been DF'd for visiting this site intentionally?
I am sorry Josie.... I am in the same boat (actually this is goes beyond the WTSborders.....)
As the saying goes... 'A son is a son until he gets a wife. A daughter is a daughter all her life'
Don't get into any theological or personal (sexual life) conversations.
Sure they can bring them up but you just have to maintain steadfastly this is about separation and your dad will get over this like his dad did and in time you with your son.
Then simply stand up thank them for coming and expressing concern, it has touched you deeply for them to be so concerned but you are fine and it is now time for them to leave having faith in you and the manner in which your father trained you up.