How do I cut off pioneering?

by bottleofwater 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • bottleofwater

    I'm 19 and trying to get a job. My Dad won't pay for my college if I don't pioneer.

    If I get a job, I can't pioneer while in college.

    I can supposedly work and study, but I need a good way to get rid of pioneering (it was never my idea in the first place - blame the parents with their social coercion).

    If I stop pioneering, I will be told by my parents that I don't love Jehovah (not that I care what they say).

    How can I do this as painlessly as possible?

    I want to move out someday and have enough money to do this.

    By the way, if you read my started topics you will see my situation in more detail and that my Dad is the Coordinator of the BOE.

  • notverylikely

    Dude. Lie.

  • sabastious
    I'm 19 and trying to get a job. My Dad won't pay for my college if I don't pioneer.

    Whoa whoa whoa, now. What a terrible thing. Blackmailing you into pioneering? Yeah that's how "Jehovah" wants you to end up serving him.

    How can you serve "whole-souled" if you are being blackmailed?


  • DaCheech

    do the token 8 hours a month, and fabricate the rest.

    tell them you witness alot at bus stops, subway, gas stations, and laundromats.

    I go out in service 1 1/2 hour a months and put 8 hours on my time slip.

  • Soldier77

    Dude, you are an adult now. You don't need mommy and daddy to hold your hand anymore. Get out of the house, live your own life. Stop relying on your parents. I moved out when I was 17, got a job, put myself through college (granted, not Harvard or any glorious schools) and survived. Even when I had to live in my car for weeks, yes, homeless, I made it. Tough years, but the lessons I've learned couldn't have been learned under my parents wings.

    The world is yours for the taking. Get started today!

  • Ding

    It seems to me that the best way to cut off pioneering is to stand up for yourself and say, "No, I'm not going to pioneer."

    Then live with the consequences.

    Don't submit to blackmail and don't let them take your integrity away from you.

  • Ding

    I know that what Soldier77 and I said will be hard.

    Here's the bad news: Life is hard, and freedom is costly.

  • xchange

    1. Student loan. 2. Move out. 3. Part-time job. 3. Get living. 4. No regrets.

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    Yep, everyone's right. You either have to lie (which will not be difficult to pull off) or stand on your own two feet. Both will get the job done. Whatever you do, get a marketable skill so that you can support yourself.

    Good Luck!

  • out4good3

    You want to not pioneer. Just don't go out. Don't report any time. When he cuts off the money for college, remind him of the coercive way he's treating you and ask him if this would be the kind of "service" their sock puppet god wants......service forced under threat. Ask questions to make him reveal to everyone publicly why it's really so important that you pioneer.

    I'm willing to bet it is not because he feels it will save you, but, moreso that it is what is expected of his children if he's to keep that title of COBE. it is all about pretense with witnesses, how things look, not bringing reproach on Je-whore_vah or the congregation.


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