How do I cut off pioneering?

by bottleofwater 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mentallyfree31

    Outlaw - LOL

    I pioneered 5 years. It was a complete waste of time. I gave up a college scholarship to do it. Now I'm back in college, and I'm paying full price for it.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Why stop pioneering?

    Just be completely honest with the HHs.

    Make sure you have WT literature in your bag to show any Dubs that object to your new found honesty.

    "We are here to tell you that if you don't hurry up and join our religion, Jehovah is going to kill you and your children....."

  • 1Robinella

    Do you really want your parents paying for college and adding more guilt to your list (like not pioneering)? What about renting a room from someone that's not a JW? Rent should be reasonable...I guess it depends where you live, it's a room. humm...I seriously hate the guilt thing. If it was me, I'd rent a room and live like everyone else and waitress/waiter or get a construction job save money to pay for school yourself. I knew a lot of people that did that. Yes, they lived off of mac & cheese but doesn't everyone at 19. Good luck I really wish you the best.

    p.s. don't let guilt trips make you do things that you wouldn't do in the first place. Unless it's like "You gotta visit grandma before she dies." lol that's an okay guilt trip. Not the "you gotta pioneer, Jehovah won't love you."

  • metatron

    Let's think about this, with. the larger context in view.

    1st, what is your career goal? Lots of people are going to get into wild student loan debt and then look for jobs that aren't there. The economy will not improve in any real meaningful way for many years - if ever. I'm sorry but the "experts" keep ignoring the overwhelming demographic issues.

    If you intend to be a nurse or accountant, you will probably do OK. Forget all Liberal Arts. Forget jobs that are funded by shrinking tax dollars ( like 'CSI' stuff)


  • metatron

    I cut that post short because I got interrrupted....

    I would appeal to your parents that, in this economy, you MUST get some practical job training and it's crazy to think otherwise. You could become an RN in about 2 years and get a good paycheck with benefits - and THEN deal with your family from a position of strength ( the ONLY WAY to negotiate with anybody)

    Your options are limited and you won't go Army, Dude. This might be the best way out.


  • moshe
    Lots of people are going to get into wild student loan debt and then look for jobs that aren't there.

    exactly- it's not smart right now, to come out of college with $50,000 or more in student loans that will take 20 years to pay off and can never be discharged in bankruptcy. Can't pay the loan- no job? The interest just keeps on growing and pretty soon that $50,000 loan is a $100,000 one with added interest and penalties. Now you are screwed out of getting a mortgage or loan for a nice car. These unemployed graduates with unmarketable degrees will be worse off than the kid who became a new car salesman. Also, if you wait until age 25 and you can get a Govt low income Pell grant- free govt $$!. My daughter took advantage of that one. Three years is not that long to be in the service- go talk to several recruiters- do the research, it does no harm to consider the military. Some skills are very valuable to civilian businesses. I left home at 19 and got a job, went to college part time, then decided to get a trade. I went into an electricians union apprenticeship and made top money all my life. There are options, you don't have to be under your parents domination. The strong get out- the weak get put down.

  • Mary

    If you want to stay at home while you get your education (courtesy of your dad), you may want to check out your local college/university's website to see how many courses you can do on-line. I know several in my old congregation have got kids that are doing just this. Since it's always been stressed at the ASSemblies and through the pages of the WT that the Society's main problem with 'higher education' is the 'bad atmosphere on campus', then many Witnesses see absolutely no problem with their kids getting a degree if most (if not all) of it can be done right from home.

    Another option is to see if you can get even a part time job at your local college/university. Doesn't matter if it's scrubbing toilets---as an employee, your tuition should be either free or at least discounted.

    As for getting your hours in, I'd have to agree with DaCheech: Go out for as little as possible and then just fake the rest. That way, you can get your edu-macation without too much interference from the religion. I don't know if you plan on going full time or part time, but I can tell you right now if you plan on going to college full time, you will not be able to pioneer and work part time on top of it---there just aren't enough hours in the day. If you are going to university, for every hour of classroom time, be prepared to do at least 3 hours of research on your own time.

    I understand what others are suggesting: Get a student loan, move out, etc. That just depends on how tolerable your situation is at home. If you think your dad would be agreeable to paying for your education if you did it on-line, then it might be worth your while to stay at home while you get your degree. If you move out and get a student loan, you will end up around $30,000 in the hole by the time you finish.

    Good luck.

  • Farkel

    The military will do one thing for you that makes it worthwhile. It will force you to grow up and stop whining. I can' t think of anything you need to deal with more right now than that.


  • bottleofwater

    My Mom is a pioneer as well. So I can't fake times. My Dad has a full time job, doesn't pioneer, and is the Coordinator of the Body of Elders.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Moesh damn't!!! Now I'am fighting the urge to keep from making that pic my desktop scrren. I need some milk or a pillow.

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