How do I cut off pioneering?

by bottleofwater 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    this is won't be a painless thing to say but may get them off your back more quickly...

    "I need to get a qualification from college that will put me in a better position to pioneer in the longer term. To do this I need to pay for college which will require I work full time and as a result I will have to come off pioneering temporarily. I know we are in the last days of the last days but I have prayed long and hard about this and now confident that Jah has given me the answer.

    I will really miss pioneering so this will be hard to do, but as soon as I complete college I will be in a more stable position. I also found the following publications really helpful: cite a few WT from the 90's that suggest that some qualifications may be required.

    I really hope that you support me in this decision because I want to be as successful as I can at college so I get get back to pioneering as soon as I can - I really don't want to have to repeat a year or anything."

    Is there an older, well respected pioneer that you can talk to who will conceed that you may benefit from improving your financial position now to help you pioneer in the longer term? Anyone you can get to see your point of view and then quote them and say you've made your mind up?

    Good luck - you are doing the right thing. I gave up pioneering, got a job, eventually went to college and now living in great house in a great area and doing the things I want to do - it is worth it.


    PS. just before you finish college, move out of home and never go back to pioneering.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Aren't you on the verge of DF or DA for being gay? Whether you pioneer or not seems to be the least of your worries.

    How about you make just ONE thread, and tell as much of a complete story as possible. Because it's hard to give specific advice on a specific issue when you have a bunch of different threads with all kinds of related issues.

  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    The only thing I can say to you is that my husband's parents used emotional blackmail to get him reinstated in the Org and he has regretted listening to it ever since. If he had stood up to his mother in the first place it would have been done and dusted and eventually she would have got over it.

    Instead, he listened to her, went to meetings to please her etc. etc. - hated every minute of it. However, I am pleased to say that he hasn't attended for almost two years now and his mum hasn't mentioned anything - though we are still waiting.

    It is YOUR life, you didn't ask to be born. Do you best to be diplomatic but make sure you get the education you need. I am sure you don't want to wash windows for the rest of your life.

    You have been given some good advice here. I think the one where you reason with you father stating that you cannot pioneer whilst you are at college and working but you will be better placed to in the future when you qualify. Also, by saying you may have to redo a year if you try and pioneer as well will all help your case.

    Good luck and keep us all posted.


  • blondie

    What is your career goal at college? Check with the college to see what scholarships you could qualify for even now and other financial opportunities. I live in a university town and there are many options. I work with young people in their 20's and 30's to find those opportunities. There are many for older returning students (which you aren't) but it proves that you can qualify out of high school.

    I agree that if you want to think independently, you have to live independently. I arranged to get a job and a place to live to get out of my abusive home at 19. Later I went to college full-time and worked full-time.

    I'm sure your parents will use your financial dependence on them to control what you do.

  • HintOfLime
    1. Student loan. 2. Move out. 3. Part-time job. 3. Get living. 4. No regrets.

    I totally agree with this. It is hard taking those first few steps out of the nest, but everybody has to do it sometime, and this sounds like a good time.

    And when you do it, and you're standing on your own two feet and taking control of your own life instead of letting other people control it for you - believe me, it feels absolutely awesome. It's like breathing air for the first time after holding your breath underwater nearly to the point of bursting. Even if things don't always go 100% the way you like, it still feels great.

    - Lime

  • Ludwig

    I suggest that you first decide which college or university you want to attend and then go on campus and talk to someone in the financial aid department. I'm sure you'll have to fill out a FAFSA application There is a problem since you're 19 and if you're under the age of 24 and beginning your first degree, you may need to provide parental information on the FAFSA. Since your parents are not willing to provide you with that information, I suggest you talk with a financial aid advisor on campus and explain your situation. Maybe they can find a way to help you out without the cooperation of your parents.

    Keep in mind that you might want to consider moving out of the house and live in a dorm. That might increase your loan amount, but it's a good way to avoid pioneering altogether. Once you're out of the house, you can ditch meetings and field service and go to school with a job on the side. For the sake of saving money, I think you should begin at a community college and complete those general requirement courses. However, community colleges don't provide student housing.

    However, you're still 19 and you can wait a year or two before going to college, while saving money for a place to live. You should definitely get a job and eventually move out of the house. I regret not moving out. My idea was to stay at home and save money while going to class full-time (I began college before the organization began discouraging college again). I eventually got the degree, but due to this economy and not having a lot of work experience, I'm still living at home with my Witness parents. If you're anything like me, you probably fear how your parents would react if they found out that you want to go to college and don't want to spend your life in the organization. Please, don't fall into the trape of feeling that you need to ask your parent's permission to live your life.

    Those are some options from the top of my head. If you have any questions about college or anything else, you can PM me.

  • bottleofwater

    Your on the Precipice of being DF`d,for being Gay..

    Your father is the Coordinator for the BOE..

    And Now..

    Your father won`t Pay for your College, if you don`t Pioneer..

    ? ..

    If your Story was an Airplane..Your Wings just Fell Off..

    ........................ ...OUTLAW

  • VoidEater

    1. Student loan. 2. Move out. 3. Part-time job. 3. Get living. 4. No regrets.

    This. Or pinking shears.

  • bottleofwater

    OUTLAW: you're hilarious

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