You Know has learned his lessons well from the WTS school of thought. They are notorious for taking a few facts, or a specific example, and spinning an entire article that generalizes to the point of being wrong. The type of article that begins with an anecdote about how crime is increasing in some little Italian hamlet and then extrapolating from that to suggest that crimes is horrific everywhere.
You Know does the same thing. He is intelligent, and reads a lot, and he gets a few things right. He then spins totally wrong conclusions from those few spare facts.
Does the media serve up propaganda? Yes.
Is Larouche intelligent? Yes, he is.
Are there financial swindles afoot? Sure.
From those facts, however, You Know spins fanciful tales of woe that have little to do with reality. Larouche is smart, but also wrong. The media covers for the corporations and government, but they also have good reason to mostly ignore Larouche. There are Enrons in the business world, but it doesn't mean the entire financial system is about to crumble.
Remember, You Know has been pushing these same predictions for at least the last 5 years in a row, and for the last 5 years in a row nothing he has predicted has come true. Nothing.