Report: Nordic Nations Are Best for Gender Equality/USA disappoints

by FlyingHighNow 68 Replies latest social current

  • BurnTheShips

    Women serve less of their sentences:

    "...female, non-violent prisoners will do about 25-percent of their sentence.."
    Lindsay Lohan was sentenced to 90 days in jail and 90 days in rehab:

    According to Steve Whitmore, spokesperson for the Los Angeles County Sheriff's department, Lohan will serve her time at the Century Regional Detention Center in Lynwood, California and will be segregated from the general jail population.

    Lohan may only end up serving a few weeks of her 90 day jail sentence -- Whitmore noted that "female, non-violent prisoners will do about 25-percent of their sentence" because L.A. jails suffer from "an overcrowding situation."

    According to this article, "non-violent" male prisoners serve more time:

    The Los Angeles Times reports that most women only serve 20 percent of their jail sentence. Up until last week, male inmates were serving at least 80 percent of their jail time, but recently the sheriff's department began freeing men who were sentenced for non-violent offenses after they served only 50 percent of their time.

    I don't think letting people off early is such a good idea but shouldn't the time served be uniform across the board regardless of sex? Isn't this blatant discrimination?
  • BurnTheShips

    "The Great Mancession"

    Sectors of the economy that tend to have male workers are getting destroyed, while female dominated sectors, like healthcare and education, are getting subsidized by the government.

    From 2009:

    “Men have lost almost 80% of the 5.1 million jobs that have disappeared in the US since the recession started. This is a dramatic reversal of the trend over the past few years, when the rates of male and female unemployment barely differed.”

    This curious statistic may contain valuable a macroeconomic insight. Specifically, men are losing jobs because America’s metal-bending industries are atrophying.

    “Men have been disproportionately hurt,” the Financial Times explains, “because they dominate those industries that have been crushed: nine in every 10 construction workers are male, as are seven in every 10 manufacturing workers. These two sectors alone have lost almost 2.5 million jobs. Women, in contrast, tend to hold more cyclically stable jobs and make up 75% of the most insulated sectors of all: education and health care.”

    “The widening gap between male and female joblessness means many US families are solely reliant on the income the woman brings in,” the Financial Times concludes. This widening gap also means that America’s economy is becoming dangerously reliant on service and finance industries, rather than manufacturing industries.


  • BurnTheShips

    I have a 3 year old son, and a 5 month old daughter.

    I love them both. I want the greatest for them both.

    Yet here is the reality, we live in a national environment where she has a significantly superior chance of success in life than he does.


    Manliness Is Next to Joblessness

    Daily Markets' Mark Perry declares the Great Mancession in session, with help from a mesmerizing time-lapse chart tracking employment growth by job type since 2008.

    Click here to watch the real-time shrinking of majority male sectors in opposition to the growth of two majority female sectors -- education and health care. Perry says this chart helps

    tell the story of the Great Mancession of 2007-2010 and how men were disproportionately affected by the recessionary conditions that adversely impacted male-dominated industries (construction and manufacturing), while employment in female-dominated industries actually increased throughout the entire recession. And according to the employment report yesterday, there is still a 2% male-female jobless rate gap of 10.6% for men and 8.6% for women, so the Great Mancession is not yet close to ending.

    Bottom Line: Maybe it’s not such a good time to be man, now that men are on the wrong side of the jobless rate gap by 2%, the wrong side of the college degree gap (142 women graduated from college in 2010 for every 100 men) and now even the wrong side of the wage gap.

    Calculated Risk breaks down unemployment by level of education -- another win for the girls, given their comparative edu-vantage:

    Note that employment for Americans with less than a high school diploma is not only scarcer in percentage terms but considerably more volatile. Until August's overall increase in unemployment, high school dropouts were gaining jobs back faster than any of the other groups.

    A few months ago, The Atlantic revived the traditional end-of-men story with an article titled "The End of Men." Moribund masculinity has been a favorite crisis dating back at least to Teddy Roosevelt's war on neuresthenia.

    But every data set has noise. Take another look at that unemployment-by-sector chart and you'll see about what you'd expect to see following a vast debt-and-spending bubble, during which real estate was heavily leveraged to obtain loans that were then used to buy more stuff. So you see a big rationalization in construction because it's directly dependent on real estate demand; in financial services because of the unwinding of asset-backed securities; and in retail and manufacturing because, without all that fake real estate value to draw on, nobody can afford to buy anything. (And the gender breakdowns [pdf] in some of these fields -- such as retail -- are not as lopsided as the ones in construction and health care.) The job losses tell you less about gender than they do about the misallocation of resources that preceded the bust.

    There may be a crisis in American manhood -- though as the late Simon Monjack taught us all, a useless man can always find some dopey girl to take care of him -- but the Great Mancession isn't proof of it. In fact the most disturbing thing in the job sector statistics is that health care jobs have been growing at such an insatiable rate. Are people sicker than they used to be?

  • BurnTheShips
    if the new brand Republicans and Tea Partiers continue to grab more power.

    Tea Partiers are predominantly female. A large number of Tea Party candidates for office are female.

    You need to reexamine your stereotypes.

    Face of the tea party is female

    When the tea party movement burst onto the scene last year to oppose President Barack Obama, the Democratic Congress, and the health care legislation they wanted to enact, some liberal critics were quick to label its activists as angry white men.

    As the populist conservative movement has gained a foothold over the past year, it’s become increasingly clear that the dismissive characterization was at least half wrong.

    Many of the tea party’s most influential grass-roots and national leaders are women, and a new pollreleased this week by Quinnipiac University suggests that women might make up a majority of the movement as well.

    .....“For years, it has been the liberal women who have organized and been staunch grass-roots and policy advocates,” Rebecca Wales, a spokeswoman for Smart Girl Politics, a new group formed to train and mobilize women in the tea party movement. “No longer is it only the liberals. Conservative women have found their voices and are using them, actively and loudly.”

    Melanie Gustafson, an associate professor of history at the University of Vermont who has studied and written about the role of women in politics, said the tea party has provided a more direct way for conservative women to have influence than the Republican Party, where she says “women have always struggled for inclusion.”....

    ....A former healthcare administrator as well as stepmother, Dawald, 46, said women have particularly been drawn to tea party activism because of their perspective on the proposed healthcare overhaul that became the movement’s defining issue.

    “Statistically, healthcare is something that women drive,” she said. “They usually decide where their families will be cared for and are the ones making the appointments and so forth, so (the tea party’s opposition) became something that was being driven very strongly by women.”

    Dawald estimates that at least 55 percent of ResistNet’s 74,000 members are women. In Tea Party Patriots, an influential umbrella coalition of local groups, 15 of the 25 state coordinators are women, as are five of the Patriots’ nine national coordinators.

    One of those national coordinators, Jenny Beth Martin of Atlanta, considered among the more prominent grassroots leaders in the movement, said she thinks women have been drawn to the movement because of their experience with family finances.

    “Many women are the primary decision makers when it comes to the household budget,” said Martin, a 39-year-old mother of two who did political and IT consulting before losing her home and becoming a full-time tea party activist.

    “From first-hand experience, they know you cannot spend your way out of debt at home and they know that philosophy translates to businesses and to the government.”

    Read the whole thing--BTS

  • beksbks
    Tea Partiers are predominantly female. A large number of Tea Party candidates for office are female.

    Indeed, and look at the kind of females they are. If we had been following the policies they advocate for the last 50 years, they wouldn't be there now.

  • BurnTheShips
    If we had been following the policies they advocate for the last 50 years, they wouldn't be there now.

    You mean policies like limited, Constitutional government and fiscal responsibility? Yeah, they wouldn't be there now. They wouldn't need to be.

    By the way, since you live in California, Brown called Whitman a whore on a recording. NOW endorsed him mere hours after the tape was made public. Funny.


  • beksbks
    You mean policies like limited, Constitutional government and fiscal responsibility? Yeah, they wouldn't be there now. They wouldn't need to be.

    Women wouldn't need to be running for office? A man's world eh? Constitutional government and fiscal responsibility?? LOL, save that PR crap for someone who doesn't know better. You've got Angle in NV who would tell a young girl who has been victimized by rape or even incest, to make "lemonade out of a lemon situation". You've got a complete bimbo from Alaska who is so anti information, she not only doesn't bother to read, but wanted to ban books in the local library, tried to use her office to pursue personal revenge, and couldn't even finish her term. Todd is apparently the real boss. He's playing tyrant even now with the Brawny man Miller in Alaska. Then there is the professional candidate in Delaware, that actually lives on campaign contributions, and feels the need to tell the voters she's not a witch.

    By the way, since you live in California, Brown called Whitman a whore on a recording. NOW endorsed him mere hours after the tape was made public. Funny.

    What's not funny, is that you are either getting poor information, or knowingly lying. Of course this is nothing new for you.

  • B-Rock

    California Attorney General Jerry Brown , the state's Democratic candidate for governor, left a phone message in early September for a union official whose endorsement he was seeking, but apparently forgot to hang up -- because a lively discussion between him and some staffers afterward is caught on tape. And either Brown or a staffer -- there is some dispute -- uses the word "whore" to describe his Republican rival Meg Whitman.

    While some were offended when they heard California Democratic gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown’s mistakenly recorded message in which a member of Brown’s campaign referred to his Republican opponent, Meg Whitman, as a “whore,” the National Organization for Women (NOW) apparently was not. Instead of rushing to decry the misogynistic language, NOW endorsed Brown — less than a day after the message hit the news-cycle.

  • FlyingHighNow
    Currently, men in the US have the bigger problem with unemployment.

    Employment isn't the issue here. Treatment of women across the board is the issue. If women are employed in the USA, they usually do not make as much salary as men do.

    I get different news about sexual repression in the Nordic countries. I have always read and heard, even in the news, that they are balanced when it comes to sexuality and morals . And if they are repressed, evidently they are not doing it in a way that makes women less respected.

    For Christ's sake, there is an African country and the Philippines who treat women better!

    The women in the Tea Party are generally Christian Fundamentalists. We all know their views of gender roles and equality.

  • FlyingHighNow

    And Burn, I love you, but you can post all that and it still does not change the fact that the USA is 19th in the world in gender equality. This is sad and is another smear against the USA.

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