Report: Nordic Nations Are Best for Gender Equality/USA disappoints

by FlyingHighNow 68 Replies latest social current

  • FlyingHighNow
    Tea Partiers are predominantly female.

    So are quilting circles, school teachers, nurses, strippers, prostitutes, etc.

  • moshe
    women outstrip men in college

    yeah, those Girls Gone Wild, videos sure have a lot of undressed coeds in them, hehheh

  • BurnTheShips
    And Burn, I love you, but you can post all that and it still does not change the fact that the USA is 19th in the world in gender equality. This is sad and is another smear against the USA.

    I love you too darling. I do not deny that women get mistreated here in the USA. Remember, I have a little girl, and I want the best for her. Regarding the ranking in the survey you posted, I question the metrics used to build the rankings, that's all. We have African nations ranking higher than the US in there. Something doesn't gybe.

    Women wouldn't need to be running for office? A man's world eh?

    Beks: That's not what I meant at all.


  • FlyingHighNow

    Burn, is your little girl younger than your son? Your son is a beautiful child. I remember the picture of him on the lawn tractor. I am not sure I've seen any pictures of your little girl.

  • caliber

    Hurray for the vikings then FHN !!!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Thank you, Caliver. Always so nice to me.

  • BurnTheShips
    Burn, is your little girl younger than your son? Your son is a beautiful child. I remember the picture of him on the lawn tractor. I am not sure I've seen any pictures of your little girl.

    I put this up on photobucket just for you. She just turned five months old, is very smart, and loves talking to her daddy when he holds her up on her two little legs. She loves standing! I tell her "that's a strong girl! You will grow up to be a strong and wise woman!"

    Here she is on the 4th of July:

    This one is from the end of August:


  • llbh

    Switzerland now has a majority of its cabinet members who are female, we in the UK are not close to that yet, like the US. Spain also has a predominantly female cabinet too. David

  • metatron

    Too many oversimplifications here to even count!

    Employment not the issue? Really? Having or keeping a job is nearly the most important thing in life, these days - your healthcare, your personal identity, paying for your home, your car, your student loans, etc. all depend on a paycheck. And what's the point of talking about making less pay, when women are surging ahead with actual employment?

    Phillipines and some of Africa are better for women? Is this a joke? I think they should advertise here in the states and start a wave of emigration to these wonderful countries that treat women so much better! Poverty, disease, honor killings, patriarchal domination, machismo,....... Freedom awaits you, ladies.


  • beksbks

    I can see the Northern European rank, but certainly not the Philippines or Africa.

    What a sweet baby!! She's just adorable, and look she has her Daddy's chins!

    I tell her "that's a strong girl! You will grow up to be a strong and wise woman!"

    Well you better let her hang out with Aunt Beks then.

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