Were you ever embarrassed or somewhat ashamed when the WT patted themselves on the back in their own articles?

by miseryloveselders 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ding

    "How grateful we should be that Jehovah has given us the faithful and discreet slave organization to give us nourishing spiritual food at the proper time (Matthew 24:45)!"

    -- Humbly proclaimed to the entire world by the Governing Body of the faithful and discreet slave organization that gives you your nourishing spiritual food at the proper time

  • cult classic
    cult classic

    I always fell for these articles. I took it as evidence that god's spirit was with the witnesses and that they were the most loving and helpful people on the planet.

  • Soldier77

    Oh yes. I always skipped over any 'tooting of their horn' experiences or outright attention grabs. But what I was most embarassed about was anytime someone in casual situation/conversation with a 'worldly' person would say that 'we' are Jehovah's Witnesses. I was like, dude, why do you need to say that? I mean really, nothing in our conversation had anything to do with bringing ones religiious beliefs into it. Thanks you jackass, now I have no chance of taking this hot girl out.

  • Hiding Questioner
    Hiding Questioner

    Even when I was a deep into being a JW I recall telling my dedicated JW mother, after she asked how I enjoyed the assembly, my response being.."I hope they don't hurt themselves too much patting themselves on the back"


  • booby

    Go ahead. Read the article. But you must and I mean must make sure you have a barf bag. If you read through that article you can see that they embellish for sure and probably outright fabricate/lie. One Haitian customs official commented: why did that happen, they are hated by the world are they not. And yet here we have a supposed worldly guy patting them on the back, yea right!!

  • caliber

    Proverbs 27 :1 ... Don't brag about tomorrow; you don't know what may happen then. 2 Don't praise yourself. Let someone else do it. Let the praise come from a stranger and not from your own mouth

  • booby

    And isn't the Photoshopped picture on page 18 of these beautiful people in their suits and ties, book cases in hand trudging through the devastation inspiring!! The young girls smiling faces make you want to cry out in joy. The one adult male has a look on his face like, where are we gonna find someone home in this mess. And it looks like the adult women/wives/moms had to stay home and tend to the heavy lifting. And the inset picture showing the clinic set up to administer the non-blood procedures to maintain Jehovahs blessing on the arrangement.

  • booby

    By midday, 19 Witness
    medical doctors, nurses, and
    other medical professionals
    from the Dominican Republic
    and Guadeloupe had arrived
    in Haiti

    Anybody know why there seem to be so many health professionals that are witnesses over there? In my experience I knew of no witness doctors and nurses, not to say there are non, just that they are in my experience few and far between.

  • Soldier77

    They could have staged them there. I can't see any one place having that many witness doctors. Its a fabricated story, as usual.

  • booby

    78 medical professionals
    who are Jehovah's Witnesses would come to
    help, along with many other volunteers.

    Further on my little rant here, does it not take a great deal of higher education to attain to these positions?

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