Were you ever embarrassed or somewhat ashamed when the WT patted themselves on the back in their own articles?

by miseryloveselders 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • bobld

    They bldg to earthquake standards so what happen in NewOrlean's.They said the same thing in Sumatra they bldg on high ground what happened in N.O. The medical professional were none other the janitors.


  • Little Imp
    Little Imp

    Well you never hear other people praising themselves like this. There is just so much help that goes on by all people not just witnesses.

    For example, I worked in Central London for a few years and in the evenings churches of all denominations were giving out sandwiches and hot drinks to the homeless. Any homeless people not just those with the same beliefs. I have lived in England all my life and never knew that this was going on until I actually worked in the City for a bit.

    This is just one small example I am sure that there are many more worldwide.


  • Coffee House Girl
    Coffee House Girl

    Yes, now on the outside- these kind of articles make me want to

    And I love how these so-called officials who praise the witnesses for how they are the only ones who do anything in disaster situations- it is amazing that they won't give their real names to verify the quote.....hmmm...could it be made up bullsh*t????


  • White Dove
    White Dove

    As I watched the news and saw how worldly people were helping out, too, I wondered why the WTS thought they were the only ones doing good in the world. I noticed charities at holidays taking donations and the WTS saying not to donate to them. I didn't agree.

    I actually wondered why we didn't do as well as the Catholics when it came to charity.

    I also thought that the poor couldn't eat the WT and A! mags so why give them only mags, why not food and clothing, too?

  • cantleave

    No..I just got tired of the WBT$ Clowns say..

    Look at ME!!..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • Thor

    The horn honking never stopped. At conventions they thought they were the best dressed, most holy, cleanest, most honest, most polite people on the planet. And witness kids were the smartest kids in the schools as a result of their theocratic training. Oh, and the assembly parts where the kid was fending of girls who wanted to have sex with them. Crazy!

  • booby

    Isn't the Photoshopped picture on page 18 of these beautiful people in their suits and ties, book cases in hand trudging through the devastation inspiring!!

    What do others think of that picture???

  • tiki

    it's right up there with the braggarts who find money and return it because they are jehovah's witnesses.....

    so they think they are the only honest people in the world who actually would return lost or missing goods? why don't they return it because it is the RIGHT thing to do??? the ethical thing??? the assumption follows that if they were not witnesses, they'd keep the stash and not tell. nice, huh.

    very annoying....and those tunnel-vision articles where they are the only humanitarians out there, well it's just plain crazy. unless it involves some sort of self-aggrandizement, there is no effort put out to assist others....especially if they are not fellow witnesses. why help out someone you are looking forward to picking up the bones of post-armageddon.....

  • ReallyTrulyAthena

    booby - yeah, in looking at that picutre, it sure does seem a little too posed, huh?

    "Look kids: DEVASTATION AND DESTRUCTION. Big smiles, now!" Ugh, it's enough to make you want to pour (more) Kahlua in your coffee

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