Were you ever embarrassed or somewhat ashamed when the WT patted themselves on the back in their own articles?

by miseryloveselders 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • WTWizard

    They do this for the same reason they put out their fake experiences at a$$emblies or yearbook. This is to create the illusion that Jehovah really protects people--what about the witlesses that die in accidents because they went out in field circus while too tired or it was too dangerous to be out there? And, what happens when the witlesses get older and, because they wasted time pio-sneering, their retirement is crappy? I think they are pretty much sunk.

    I could return a large sum of money because it's the law. In the US, for instance, it is the law that if you find money of $20 or more, you are to report it. If you simply wish to obey the law, you would report the money and, if possible, return it (obviously, if it's less than $20 and you cannot reasonably identify who belongs to it, it's yours to keep). Suppose I find $50,000 and honestly return it to its rightful owner. Upon interview, I identify myself as a Devil worshiper and that Satan wants people to enjoy the rewards for the value you create for society. Returning such money would allow its rightful owner to enjoy such rewards, despite a moment of carelessness or an instant of bad luck that caused its loss. I don't think that incident would ever be truthfully reported in the Washtowel rags.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    The JW philosophy is:


    Awake=Medical Aid

  • wobble

    Haven't read the whole thread, but the other thing they kept crowing about was being the only religion that got 1914 right.

    What a joke !!! It is a nonsense anyway, 1914 has no significance in Bible prophecy, and they were not saying what they say today about it before, during or for years after 1914 !

    What a bunch of prats.

  • SweetBabyCheezits

    When I was still attending meetings, I'd get soooo sick of the self-congratulating comments at the hall:

    "And to think that people in the world are so scared of Revelation! [laughs] How wonderful that Jehovah - thru the F&DS - teaches us what all of these visions and prophecies mean and how they apply today!" [heads nod, an old sister or two give an obligatory, "mmm-hmmm"]

    "Those doctors said I'd die without a blood transfusion but guess what... I refused and I'm still here today!" [audience laughs at stupid doctors]

    "All of the jokes and cartoons about Jehovah's Witnesses PROVE that we are fulfilling Jesus command at Matt 24:14 and 28:19,20! So the jokes really on them!" [belly laugh at something that was unfunny]

    Even before I woke up to reality I noticed that JWs seemed to be sooooooo concerned about showing humility EXCEPT when it came to religious beliefs.

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