Do you think that the WT will ban the Internet?

by gilwarrior 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • gilwarrior

    I think that it will happen. There is so much information about what really goes on. The hypocrasy, the scandals, the misinformation. I believe that the WT will eventually tell Witnesses that the Internet is evil and will tell all Witnesses that the Internet is wrong and it will be banned.

    What do y'all think?

  • DIM

    I don't think they'll come out and say that its banned, but I think they'll have some very negative articles on "the evil internet" very soon and basically give people massive guilt trips. Sort of applying the view towards college to the internet....

    i'm sick and tired of hearing things from uptight-short-sighted-narrow minded hypocritics. all i want is the truth just gimme some truth - John Lennon

  • Pierced Angel
    Pierced Angel

    They would love to ban the internet, but I'm not sure if they have the guts to go quite that far.

    I have been writing a newspaper column for the last three years about "positive ways to use the internet". While I was still a witness I would get snide remarks or comments about my "work". People who weren't already online only had very negative ideas about what the internet was used for and how they would never allow it in their home. The ignorance was astounding.

  • AlanF

    The Society would like to ban JWs from using the Net, but they know very well that they can't police what JWs do in their private homes. They learned a lesson from interfering in the private affairs of married people. These days, plenty of JWs would jump ship if the Society directly commanded, "Stay off the Internet!" and the Society knows this. I agree with DIM that very negative articles about the Net will appear, and these will serve to bias the JW community against anyone who admits to surfing the Net. The Society is not looking for bright, honest people -- it is looking for dimbulbs who like not to think and cannot function without a Bid Daddy telling them where to put their feet.


  • nytelecom1

    i would be out of 60 percent of my job

  • Utopian Reformist
    Utopian Reformist

    I agree that the WTBS committees will create articles designed to disourage use of the internet. I think the references will be obscure at first, possibly sublime, and then bolder as time goes on.

    I also predict they will create various manuscripts for talks following the same pattern, and they will begin delivering them more frequently, than the casual warnings about apostates and the internet usually mentioned at assemblies.

    It could be a great place to start collecting such articles and make an apostate "reasoning book" with this subject in the first chapter.

    Just an idea.

  • DB

    I agree that they will write negative things about the Internet, and the guilt that they engender will carry over to many of the R&F.

  • Blackcat

    November 1999: Kingdom Ministry: Internet Use

    4. The Internet enables one to communicate inexpensively with millions of others throughout the world, and it opens the door to vast amounts of information. (Awake! Jan 8, 1998) The indiscriminate use of the Internet, however, can expose a person to great spiritual danger and moral dangers. How is this so?

    10. WEB SITES OF JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES: Consider, for example, some Internet sites set up by individuals who claim to be Jehovah's Witnesses. They invite you to visit their web sites to read experiences posted by others who claim to be Witnesses. You are encouraged to share you thoughts and views about the Society's literature. Some give recommendations about presentations that could be used in the field ministry. These site offer chat rooms for individuals to connect to, allowing live communication with others, similar to talking on the telephone. They often point you to other sites where you can have online association with Jehovah's Witnesses around the world. But can you tell for certain that these contacts have not been planted by apostates?


    20. The publications provided by Jehovah's organization stimulate our minds with up-building thoughts and train us "to distinguish both right and wrong" (Heb 5: 14) Can we say that this is achieved if others do our research for us?

    OH, I FORGOT......"Heavy research is not necessary. The Watch Tower has done it for you. The most beneficial study you can do is to read The Watch Tower or Awake! or a new book by the organization." "The Watch Tower" (6/1/1967) P. 338


  • ashitaka

    I think that PA is right on. My mother-in-law said such absurd things as 'apostates know when you're witnesses, and can get into your computer and put things on it,' 'demons could be on the internet', 'the society said that the internet is wrong for anyone who is a real christian.'

    Of course I set her strait about all three ridiculous views, and now she actually has the internet, but she closely monitors all activity by her late-teenage boys. She thinks that every pop up window is for porn sites, and such. If her boys are looking for video game cheats, and a girl in a bikini is at the top of the page advertising something, she accuses them of trying to look at porn through the guise of looking for cheats for a game. Weird.

    But, I think it WILL be banned, in the Papa Smurf sense, that someone, somewhere will make an evil legend about the internet, and the story will get around to enough people to admitting to being on the internet a closet-DF'able offense.


  • Erich

    ban the internet ?

    They in the same way could not stop molecular biologists to invent methods for longer human life (up to 1000 years or more) ... or to forbid to use those invented methods because its from
    That would be very contraproductive - see Galileo Galilei Syndrome...

    I rather think they will go to allow Internet for preaching purposes.


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