Hi meeting
Sorry it is simply too loaded and incorrect to boot.
by Farkel 27 Replies latest watchtower bible
Hi meeting
Sorry it is simply too loaded and incorrect to boot.
Post 653 of 664 Since 5/18/2010 | We don't buy or sell wts anymore not for years now and it was only nominal when we did just to cover the printing costs. |
It's amazing how much slave labour costs.
I always said that the elders could name the teams, coaches, quarterbacks of the NFL teams but not the names of the 12 apostles.
I think you'll find witnesses have a vast bible knowledge compared to the general populous or anyone for that matter. It is a well-oiled lamp in our hands.
One opening point I use on the ministry is "Do you have a bible. have you ever read it?" and nearly everytime they say "yes they have a bible and no they haven't ever read it".
And also compared to most religions that put their doctrines ahead of the bible. So to be a trinitarian you need a degree in trinity but not the bible to be a trinitarian. Using john 1:1 from their translations usually does the trick for them.
Your average person these days wouldn't even know how to look a scripture up.
Actually if I said to some what religion are you and they say "I am church of England" and I ask them if they read the bible they usually say no. To them religion is just something they write on the odd form.
One of the main reasons I am a Jehovah's witness is that I like reading the whole bible without flinching at the contradictions. To be in a Christian Religion where Jehovah is my one God and father throughout the bible is marvelous.
Some Witnesses have a vast knowledge of what WT says - not what the Bible says.
Hi Snowbird
Our publications are tools that direct us to the bible teachings. Any principle or rule we apply to a modern setting is a bible one.
Is it okay to smoke when the bible principle of treating our body like a temple is applied?
Is it okay to smoke when the bible principle of treating our body like a temple is applied?
That's for you to decide.
The WT takes it out of your hands, and tells you what to decide.
Yes, I know about 2 Corinthians 7:1.
Debator said:
I think you'll find witnesses have a vast bible knowledge compared to the general populous or anyone for that matter. It is a well-oiled lamp in our hands.
Just a small nitpick on this sentence, Debator. Witnesses only have the interpretations of a few men drilled into them. There is a huge difference between bible knowledge obtained personally and filtered bible knowledge through a group of men.
Oops. sorry. Tobit 3:4
Isn't it amusing that the ONLY dubbie to post on this thread has more posts in it than anyone else, but didn't name ONE common dub scripture.
debator: you must be too busy doing stuff with that lamp oil on your hands. Go finish your business and then post some scriptures that most dubbies know.
3) CHARACTER - Scriptures for self-betterment as a human. Includes character development, parenting, etc.
4) YOUR HAPPINESS - Scriptures on attaining joy, happiness, peace and full self-expression in life
5) CHARITY FOR OTHERS - Scriptures which emphasize love, compassion and forgiveness of ourselves and others
Fully HALF of my categories include good things. Happy things. Christian things. Yet, I haven't seen ONE commonly known dub scripture yet that fits into any of those categories. So quit rubbin' yer lamp and post one! (If you can.) But it has to be one that most dubbies could cite book, chapter, verse from memory.
DAbator, common dont be a party pooper and play the game. Name from memory bible verses,
I hope my translation is acurate cuz I learned them in spanish
MAthew 19:19 Honor your father and your mother and love your neighboar as you would youself
MAthew 24 :42 keep on the watch, becaus you dont know when the day of thelord is coming
John 1:1 "In the beginning th Word was with God and the word was God".
Isaiah 43:19 "Look I am doing something new"
Mathwe 5:44 but I tell continue loving your enemies and praying for those that persecute you,
Mathew 6:9 10 Our father that are in heaven let you name be sanctified let your will be done on earth as in heaven, give us today our bread for this day and forgive our sins in the same way we have forigven our debtors
1 Corinthias 15:33 "Do not be mislead, bad associations spoil useful habits"
Ephesians 6:1 Children be obedient to your parents in union with the lord because this is righteous
Proverbs 3:5,6 Trust in Jehovah with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding, In all your way take notice of him and he himslef will make your paths straight.
Prover 3:12 to whom that Jehovah loves he himself disciplines
Ephesians 6:4 and you parents do not be irritating your children but go on bringing them up in the discipline and mental regulations of Jehovah
Mathew 5:3 Happy are those concious of their spiritual need because to them belongs the kingdom of heaven
MAthew 5:28 but I tell you that those who keep looking at a woman to have a passion with her has already commited adultery in his heart
GEnesis 1:28 And God blessed them and told them: be fruitful and become many and have under subjection all the creatures on earth and the birds in the sky and the fish of the sea (sort of)
Mathew 4:4 but it is written not only on bread a man must live but from all the words inspired by Jehovah
Mathew 11:30 Por que mi yugo es suave y mi carga ligera
MAthww 28:19, 20 Go therefore and make disciples of people from all the nations and baptizing them in the name of the fahter and the son and the holy spirit. teaching them to obsverve all the things that I have commande you. Look I am with you all days until the conclussion of this system of things
MArk 13:30 And I truly say to you that this generation will not pass until al this happen
13:32 Concerning the day or the hour nobody know neither angels in heaven nor the son but the father
Liuke 16:16 for the person faithful in the littleis faithful in much
John 3:16 for God love the world so much that he sent his only begotten son for those who have faith in him dont die but have everlasting life
John 13:32 and you will get to know the truth and the truth will set you free
JOhn 10:16 and I have other sheep that do not belong to this flock to those I also have to gather and they will listen to my voice and they will become one flock one shepard
John 15:25 I am resurection and life those who have faith in me wont die but will get to live
JOhn 13:!7 if you know this things happy you will be if you do them
PRoverbs 31:30 a capable wife who can find her? her value is more than corals
John 15:17 I command you this that you love one another
Rom 15:4 for all the things that were written in the past were written of our instruction
1 corinthias 6:!9 dont you know that unrightous will not inherit Gods kingdom, do not be mislead, ...
Proverbs 31:30 enchanment can be false and beauty deceiving but the woman who loves god deserves to be praised.
Mathew 6:33 go on then seeking first for the kingdom of God and the rest of things will be added up.
Mathew 7:23 And yet I wil confess to them get away from me I never knew you workers of wicked things.
Gosh you made me remember things that I wanted to forget I guess they will be there in the back of my mind. And a ton of others that I dont remeber where they belong.