Take the dubbie Bible Knowledge Challenge!

by Farkel 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • cyberjesus

    See you can never understimate the memory of a little kid. I learned them mostly before 6 and I was always distracted in the KH and still they stick to your head like mud. yuk

    And I forgot to add the descrition of love, the fruits of the spirit and the works of the flesh, let me see wich other lists are easy.

    anyway I dont wanna think about the bible anymore

  • Meeting Junkie No More
    Meeting Junkie No More

    cyberjesus: your John 1:1 isn't the standard JW verse...are you sure you learned that version at the KH?

    Really impressive list, though! You WIN!

  • cyberjesus

    Eclessiastes 3:1 for everything there is an appropiate time, there is a time for everything under the heaven.

    Yah we had the NWT but it was in spanish, so I am translating from my memory so I know I am not using the right wording in english. I leaned them from the green bible.

    Hey my dad was a Circuit Overseer (Sub) so we would go every freaking week. I remember that I memorized one of his talks that 66he use to give with slides ahahha I memorized thoe whole Josiah drama back in 1976?

  • cyberjesus

    eclessiastes 4:... two are better than one. because if one falls the other one can pick him up or something like that.

  • cyberjesus


    The song of Salomon 7:3 your breasts are like two young ones, the twins of a female gazzelle ( I never understood it but always ponder regarding its meaning and am still doing research)

  • cyberjesus


    The song of Salomon 7:3 your breasts are like two young ones, the twins of a female gazzelle ( I never understood it but always ponder regarding its meaning and am still doing research)

  • PSacramento
    Mathew 11:30 Por que mi yugo es suave y mi carga ligera

    I would have thought that this one was avoided like the plague, LOL !

  • Leolaia
    I never understood it but always ponder regarding its meaning and am still doing research

    LOL. Well, the softness of the young twin gazelles is here alluded to, but also the fact that gazelles usually dwell in the craggy mountains, whereas in the verse they are described as away from their natural habitat (the mountains and hills of myrrh and frankincense in the next verse), and feeding among the water lilies. His lover's response in the next chapter uses water lilies as a metaphor for his salivating lips (5:13), dripping drops of myrrh. So that conjures up the image of lips suckling breasts (a reversal of the usual motif of suckling, here the young breasts are the gazelles going down to feed in the lover's mouth, rather than the breasts as a source of nourishment for another).

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