Are you interested in Bible Congruence?

by sabastious 130 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • betterdaze

    So the scriptures are given from the point of view of men.

    ANE point of view: Heaven and Its Wonders, and Earth: The World the Biblical Writers Thought They Lived In

    To illustrate:

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I struggled with this too. But they are not actually different. Different parts of Gods personality are highlighted in different sections. It all comes full circle in Revelation when God destroys the wicked.

    Um, not really. They're different. There's a big difference between killing ('destroy' takes away their's loaded language) the wicked in an effort to cleanse the world and all the genocides the OT claims he commanded the Israelites to engage in. And they don't even have the same name.

    I don't always go as far as these guys do in critiquing the good book, but reading the site unbiased you gotta admit they have a point:

    This one's good, too:

  • leavingwt
    How it worked...I don't know. The Bible is not clear on it. It is only clear that they were moved by the Holy Spirit in what they wrote.

    "It is only clear" = "Evidently" ?

  • snowbird

    And they don't even have the same name.

    John 8:58 and Exodus 3:14 show that they do.

    Let the reader use discernment.


  • brotherdan

    LWT - I was referring to 2Tim 3:16. It is CLEAR that they were moved by the Holy Spirit. At least that is what the Bible is clear on. I didn't just make it up and pull if from the air.

  • agonus

    Cool, I love ancient cosmo-conceptual drawings. My personal fave:


    I just like it from an artistic standpoint. Pretty, clean, and subtly mysterious.

  • leavingwt
    LWT - I was referring to 2Tim 3:16. It is CLEAR that they were moved by the Holy Spirit. At least that is what the Bible is clear on. I didn't just make it up and pull if from the air.

    Please don't take offense. I'm not suggesting that you're making anything up. I'm just asking the questions that I once asked myself.

    Let's continue. . .

    In the Scripture you've referred to, what did Paul mean when he said, "all Scripture"? What, specifically, was he referring to? Did this include the very letter he was then writing to Timothy?

    Now, please examine the issue as an outsider, briefly. Does the logic resemble the image below?

  • sabastious
    I just like it from an artistic standpoint. Pretty, clean, and subtly mysterious.

    I wish the earth was like that!

    I get to be Gandalf!


  • sabastious
    Let the reader use discernment.

    Syl, your Watchtower is showing


  • sabastious
    So, I have seen the harmony of the Bible. There are parts I struggle with, I will admit that. But I also recognize that it's not my job to tell God how he is to act or do things.

    Questioning the Bible (even to the point of disproving it) is not "telling God how is to act or do things."

    The Bible is inerrant or it is not. We don't need God to figure it out or not.


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