Hey Sylvia!..
I was just a little kid when that happened..I remember it like it was yesterday..
I wasn`t even school age then,maybe 4 or 5..
We traveled all the way to New York from Canada..For the Big assembly there..
We did`nt have any Black people where I came from..So seeing Black People was a real Novelty for me..
Especially being so young and inquisitive..
We got to the assembly..My mom and dad got us settled in..
Like all little kids I wanted to find other children to play with..
You can imagine my surprise when I saw Black little Kids..LOL!!..
I just had to go see the Black Kids!..
I had never seen little Black Kids before..
They were so different than me,but they were little kids just like me..
I was frigg`n blown away!!..
I remember touching thier skin..It was Black..
I had to find out what Black skin felt like..What little kid would`nt?..LOL!!
I noticed the tight curly black hair..My hair was blonde and straight..
I just had to touch it and see what it felt like..They let me and got a big charge out of it..LOL!!..
We became friends very quickily,as most little kids do..
I played with those kids the entire assembly..It was a lot of fun for me..