Outlaw, Please Tell Us Again ...

by snowbird 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    WOW, that must have been so precious.

  • nelly136















    outlaws blonde???????

  • snowbird

    LOL at Nelly!


  • OnTheWayOut

    My wife and I went to Beijing, China a few years ago. Children stared at her skin (black) and many young people wanted her to pose in a picture.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Not only is he blonde. He's WHITE!!!

    I remember the first time my youngest saw a man with a mustache and long hair. She ran screaming behind my skirt. She saw the long hair but the man's voice coming out was the scariest part for her. This was a whole new breed of person at the Hall.

    I was embarrassed and had to explain she never saw a man with long hair and a mustache before.

    We did have black kids in our hall so that one wasn't a big deal for us



    I have one more story for you.. This is the perfect thread for it..

    Back in the day I managed Health and Fitness shops here in Canada..

    They all belonged to a chain now extinct..

    There were`nt many Black People in this part of Canada then..

    You could Fire a Cannon down a Shopping Mall hallway and not hit a Black person..

    You would kill a lot of White People..Some East Indians..Maybe even a Mexican..

    It`s unlikely you would hit a Black person..LOL!!..

    Needles to say,there were No Black people on staff in our stores..

    I ran one one of the most succesfull stores in the chain..Every once in a while I would hire new staff..

    One day this beautiful Black girl came in looking for a Job..

    She was Beautiful, in Good Shape and Smart..

    The perfect addition to my staff..

    So I hired her..

    One day the Chain Supervisor came in and was Laughing..

    He said "You sure have caused a Commotion in this Company"..

    I asked why..

    He said "You hired the only Black person this Company has ever had"..


    Nobody was going to Question my Decision..I made too much money for them..

    But ..

    Their chins did hit the ground,when they got they`re first Black Employee..


    The Black Girl went on to finish her Education..

    Her goal was to become a Lawyer..

    ....................... ...OUTLAW

  • minimus

    WOWIE! A female black Canadian lawyer to boot!

    This thread's killing me.

    I love these stories!

  • snowbird

    Thanks, Outlaw!

    I knew I liked you for more reasons than one!

    For some reason, I couldn't access this site on my g'daughter's laptop over the weekend.

    I love all the stories, too.

    What fascinating creatures we are!


  • snowbird

    OTWO, I know a couple who went on vacation in China.

    They said the people were so taken with their skin color, and were falling over themselves to show them hospitality!

    They, too, wanted to rub their skin.

    What's up with that?


  • moshe

    Outlaw, has an integrated ranch, too.

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