Psac, have you ever noticed the parallel between the WT Society and the Bible? Both focus on controlling the masses. Both are very good at what they do. Neither should be questioned, lest you fall victim to pride. How that stifles logic and reason, eh?
The bible is a book, it doesn't do ANYTHING, it just lays there and collects dust.
A book can no more control a person as any other inanaimate object.
I'm sorry you didn't reach the more likely conclusion when you realized how inhumane it would be for a God of love to supposedly kill children. Why demand answers from a supposedly omniscient, benevolent being... before conducting an unbiased study of the contradictions and asking how you know your source of information about God is even accurate?
You are assuming I didn't and you are incorrect in that regard.
I probably have more books on atheisim and "against" God than I have on theology and books "for" God.