Why do people defend monsters?

by AK - Jeff 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    The 'god' of the JW's is a god that will kill billions at Armageddon. The Christian 'god' in general is a god that [according to their own holy book] already killed millions in the OT. This 'god' ordered the slaughter of innocent virgins and children and old men and old women so that his people could take the land. This 'god' hates those born with genes that makes them homosexual. The Christian 'god' is vengeful, filled with spite, a murderer, a gay-basher, a blood-thirsty demon that makes the OT Satan look like a saint. According to some of those who worship this 'god', he plans on sending a large percentage of all people who live or have ever lived to a burning hellfire of eternal damnation. Yes, even the quiet non-theist 92 year old blue-haired librarian with 19 grandchildren whom she showers with love and affection - her sin? She doesn't worship this 'god', or his mythological son. And billions of similar people exist - who hold that he worship of monsters like this one is insane, or who simply don't desire to even think about the 'god' of the bible at all. All of these people are condemned by this monster's followers to eternal torment.

    YET - in spite of their own holy masterpiece offering the proof of his 'monster-like' traits, Christians take the course of total oblivion to reality. They defend the indefensible. I did that for many years. But once the bubble of illusion was broken for me [when I left Jw's], it seemed totally natural to take a look at the other similar faiths to mine [Christianity in general] - and that too was shown rather quickly to be the same devotion to the same 'god' with a few nuances of doctrinal change.

    The 'monster' shows on every page of the book that proclaims him. They read that book 'daily' some of them, yet entirely miss seeing the monster.

    Now - in spite of some posters who call me a 'hater' of Christians - I am not. I simply do not understand why anyone wants to stay in this bubble of unreality, worshiping a 'god' who is, by any sane definition, a MONSTER. But I do not hate those people. Not at all. I don't waste a single moment pretending that they are correct in so doing - I honestly state my disgust with religion - especially that religion [Christianity] - but it has nothing to do with hating the mind-controlled masses that have attached themselves to it personally.

    I find it an utterly fascinating phenomenon - this idea that a monster is so clearly painted, this same one who beckons people to his alter, in the very pages of the holy writ of Christianity - and yet, as if hypnotized, these people fly like moths into the fire.

    Of course this thread will likely be peppered with nonsensical defense of this monster - mindlessly ignoring the real question, they will throw foolish straw men, drag some red herring, or use ad-hominen attacks to distract from the point of the question. Some will even say that my bringing this matter up indicates that I am 'searching' for this 'god' - or to just let 'him touch your heart' or similar.

    I understand the powerful literary device employed - the bait and switch tactics used by changing the heartless 'god' of the OT into the loving the 'Jesus' of the NT. Still, to worship this 'god' seems tantamount to just ignoring the murderous Stalin or Hitler, and then telling the world that they have been reborn as Gandhi! Yet it worked, didn't it?

    If you carefully read what I have written, you will see clearly that I have not attacked anyone here - but I am interested in this:

    Why does such a monster gain the hearts of those who follow and worship him?


    Jeff [of the no longer worshiping monsters class]

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    There was all this talk about loving Jehovah.... but.....

    ... This dude was gonna kill me if I didn't do everything his minions told me to.

    This is not a loveable character.

    I never did get myself baptised.


    Lucky escape.

  • agonus

    I think your Hitler-to-Gandhi analogy is fascinating. In this respect, I've sometimes wondered if this aspect of the Bible represents a metaphor/allegory for human growth, development, and redemption. If even God was that big of an asshole and yet somehow came to us in the form of the man Jesus, maybe there's hope for us yet.

  • ProdigalSon

    For me, the bubble didn't burst until the day I realized that the Bible is not inspired of God. It is incoherent, contradicts itself, and is filled with prophecies that were never fulfilled and never will be.

    The Watchtower's line of shit, saying that a manufacturer would never put out a product without an owner's manual, and comparing it to God putting us here and giving us the Bible, is very convincing to someone who is sincerely seeking the truth. It made sense to me only because there was NO OTHER WAY to explain why the hell God put us here to suffer while he went off on his Pleiadian vacation.

  • streets76

    It's kinda like those pictures that were popular a number of years ago, I think they called them "hallusions," a play on the words "illusion" and "hologram," I think.

    One person could look a the oversized framed photo, and not see anything but interesting colors and designs. Another person could look at the same photo, and after a minute or so of concentration, a distinct 3D image would amazingly jump out.

    There was a trick to getting your eyes to focus in a certain way, in order to see the hidden 3D image. If you couldn't somehow "discover" how to do that, it was almost impossible for another "enlightened" person to get you to see it their way.

    I could never get my wife to see the 3D camels and pyramids in the photo we owned.

    Anyway, that's what the bible and god and religion is to me -- grand hallusions. Some of us can see the 3D monsters that leap from the pages of the OT, other can't. They just can't, and probably never will.

  • Farkel


    :The 'god' of the JW's is a god that will kill billions at Armageddon. The Christian 'god' in general is a god that [according to their own holy book] already killed millions in the OT. This 'god' ordered the slaughter of innocent virgins and children and old men and old women so that his people could take the land. This 'god' hates those born with genes that makes them homosexual. The Christian 'god' is vengeful, filled with spite, a murderer, a gay-basher, a blood-thirsty demon that makes the OT Satan look like a saint.

    "But he LOVES you!" - George Carlin

    As I've said before, people simply need to find a God they don't have to make apologies for all the time. Neither Bible-God nor Allah is one of them.


  • bohm

    Well said

  • Quando

    FEAR! They stay because of FEAR

    When you mix in guilt and shame you have religion at it's best. At the end of the day it is about survival and the bethel workers and GB must eat and have a roof over their heads because it is all they know and can turn to. Same is true with any Religious ORG or independant churches.

    What happens on a local level, happens on a regional level, happens on a national level, happens on a world level

    Pick your level it is all relative.

  • designs

    I remember sitting in a Calvary Chapel Sunday service after leaving the Witnesses and watching a scene unfold where the two head pastors were laying their hands on the head of a 19 year old teenage woman they were sending to smuggle Bibles into China. That's when it hit me. Endangering young peoples lives for what, all because we bought into this notion of a Supreme Being who gives off this mixed and very cruel message 'I love you, love me or else'.

    That broke the spell............

  • believingxjw


    "Now - in spite of some posters who call me a 'hater' of Christians - I am not."

    I did not think you were, Jeff.

    Thanks for expressing your thoughts I did appreciate reading what you wrote. I don't think, though, that Christians are that unique when it comes to believing in, or working for, or giving their life or money, for causes that others do not understand or agree with.

    For instance, American patriotism. Many get emotional when the flag is raised and the politicians stand up before the crowd and bless America. It feels good, it swells the heart with pride and of course feeds the sincere belief that no country is like our country. Yet, the U.S. government, like all governments, has committed atrocities and has and will continue to send young men and women to their death in the military not always for self-defense but at times for purely political reasons. All governments do. But, no way, no how, will most Americans not stand and pledge allegiance to the flag that represents the very republic that has taken away their jobs, killed their young, experimented on them, and has almost ruined the country. That too would appear to be a blindness and a refusal to see the whole picture, the real picture. But they love their country! Citizens of other nations may point the finger at America and put her down and drag her sins before her but most Americans will love her nonetheless. She is home, her sins, though many, do not outweigh her worth. Americans will die to defend her though they know she at times has let them down.

    It is love that moves sincere Christians. Just as love moves sincere patriots.

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