If you can accept it Almighty God's sovereignty and rulership is above question and at no time has he fallen off of the throne. True, there are other authorities, other "gods", but all are subject to the Almighty, whether they understand this or not. When Jesus ascended to throne of God he was given this authority, or all power in heaven and earth. Is Satan a ruler? Yes. Does he have authority? Yes. Is he a "god"? Yes. Does the Devil's authority, rulership, and godship in anyway invalidate Jesus' possession of the throne above all thrones? Absolutely not! This has been proved by his resurrection.
Jesus Trashes 1914 in ONE Sentence!
by Farkel 48 Replies latest watchtower bible
Donuthole--if I recall correctly, I think the WT says this 'child' was not Jesus, but rather, symbolically represents the Kingdom arrangement, with Jesus as its primary King. (The woman represents God's heavenly organization, if I recall correctly.) Because, after all, since the Kingdom was 'born' in 1914, well after Jesus' life on earth, the child can't be him. The context that follows connects it to Satan's being ousted from heaven, which...'happened in 1914'. As if we can pinpoint the exact date of an event like that. I'm sure debator will correct me if I'm wrong on that.
Donuthole--if I recall correctly, I think the WT says this 'child' was not Jesus, but rather, symbolically represents the Kingdom arrangement, with Jesus as its primary King. (The woman represents God's heavenly organization, if I recall correctly.) Because, after all, since the Kingdom was 'born' in 1914, well after Jesus' life on earth, the child can't be him. The context that follows connects it to Satan's being ousted from heaven, which...'happened in 1914'. As if we can pinpoint the exact date of an event like that. I'm sure debator will correct me if I'm wrong on that.
Thank you for the clarification. I'm really happy that I'm gradually forgetting all of this stuff!
As you can see this won't work with a JW. Yes he was given all authority but was he excercising his RIGHT to use that authority? No, not until 1914.
Just like saying how can satan be ruler over the earth IF Jehovah is all-powerful Universal Sovereign. You cant be a soverign over more than the Universe and everything in the universe is part of his sovreignty. Ahh, but he is ALLOWING Satan to have rulership over the earth for some time for blahblahblahblablah
Good one Farkel. It's so simple and direct that the GB has to insert their bullshit to muddy up the waters for the R&F.
The kingdom on happening on earth was not then and still in the future.
Whereas the same book has John the Baptist, prior to Jesus' baptism, say:
"Repent! For the kingdom of heaven is at hand!" (Matthew 3:2)
Jesus teaches the same thing in 4:7. It is what the disciples were to declare in 10:7. Jesus declared that the kingdom was manifest in earth through his works: "But if I drive out demons by the Spirit of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you" (12:28, Luke 11:10). The kingdom for them has already come. The healed sick are to be told that the "kingdom of God is in your midst" (Luke 10:9). Like yeast, the kingdom is already present on earth, hidden to the world at large like a mustard, but which would eventually transform the world (Matthew 13:31-38). And with respect to the coming of the kingdom "people will not say 'here it is' nor 'there it is' because the kingdom of God is within you" (Luke 17:21). The kingdom is (present tense) already manifest.
And Revelation 12 is concerned (in mythological terms) with the birth of the messiah (v. 5). The cosmological conflict is not one that lies in the future but in the past; in ch. 17 the author places himself midway through a series of seven kings comprising the Beast (v. 10), which receives authority from the Dragon only AFTER the Dragon has fallen from heaven and established himself on earth (with ch. 13 directly following the events of ch. 12). So Satan is depicted as having his throne in earth already in 2:13. With respect to the descent of Satan from heaven, Jesus also refers to this as lying in the past in Luke: "I saw Satan fall as lightning from heaven" (10:18).
Great verses, all (may you all have peace!)... but there is an even better one to show that my Lord began his rulership long before 1914 (just after he ascended in 30 CE, actually, and not 33 CE, BTW, as contrived to further support the false "1914" teaching ).
It's Hebrews 5:9 (as stated in the NWT Reference Bible, which I am sure dear Debator has a copy of or, if not, can get his/her hands on). Starting with verse 8, it states there that:
" Although he was a Son, he learned obedience from the things he suffered; and after he had been made perfect* he became responsible for everlasting salvation to all those obeying him, because he has been specifically called by God a high priest according to the manner of Mel·chiz´e·dek."
Now, the "after," "became" and "has" are interesting in and of themselves. But the really interesting words are "been made perfect" for which the NWT Reference Bible includes an asterisk. So, let's mosey on down to the footnote and see just what that asterisk has to say:
"9*Or, "after he had been inaugurated (installed; empowered; consecrated to office)."
Say what?!! "Inaugurated"? "Installed?" "Empowered"? Consecrated"? Aren't these all past tense? And so, doesn't "inaugurated" mean... and "installed" mean... and "empowered" mean... well, we know what they mean...
I'm telling you, dear ones... if you REALLY want to "see" how false the WTBTS' teachings are, get your hands on a NWT Reference Bible. Do so, and you will NEVER again conclude that "they" don't really know what they're doing. Someone up there knows exactly what they're doing. Which is exactly why none of this stuff is in the small black or green (or red, if you have the tiny one... or blue, if you have it bound yourself) versions.
One of, if the THE best Bible version out there, truly... at least for exposing these particular "false christs" and "false prophets".
Again, I bid you all peace!
A slave of Christ, who didn't intend to offend anyone... including dear Debator (or Reniia),
*sticky note*