can we talk "public apostacy" for a moment?

by chickpea 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    Merriam-Webster Dictionary. . .

    Apostasy: abandonment of a previous loyalty

    By the simple dictionary definition of the word apostasy, anyone who is no longer loyal to the WT Society is an apostate.

    As such, I personally adore the label, because it tells the entire world that I have UPGRADED my standards and rejected what is false.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Nothing but the beard and some emails to other apostates so far.

    Oh, and I had a birthday party for my kid.

  • serenitynow!

    leavingwt, does the word apostasy have the same connotations among any other people than the JWs? When I was a dub I thought that word was not one that existed outside of JWland, like "householder" or "presiding overseer."

  • leavingwt
    leavingwt, does the word apostasy have the same connotations among any other people than the JWs? When I was a dub I thought that word was not one that existed outside of JWland, like "householder" or "presiding overseer."

    You'll hear the word in the news. The label is applied to folks who abandon their religion/political party, etc. It's common.

    In essence, it simply means that the person LEFT something, and most likely the remaining members disagree with him.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    An Elder who tried to help me see my short comings as a Christian... was surprised when I announced Don't call me a Christian.

    I told him if I could go back in time....... I would be the Roman Solider who Pierces Jesus Side.

    Is that Public Apostasy?

  • serenitynow!

    But I wonder if when nonJWs use that word, does it elicit the same kind of visceral reaction- the fear and anger?

  • leavingwt
    But I wonder if when nonJWs use that word, does it elicit the same kind of visceral reaction- the fear and anger?

    No, it doesn't. Only among those in high-control groups will find that type of reaction.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Oh I've been a naughty gal

    Besides celebrating holidays, trying to smoke - really stupid idea, tried some drugs, even more stupid, went to college then university, put up a website that talks about having been a JW amongst other kinds of abuse, posting here, being a mod here, speaking in churches, high schools, colleges and universities about cults and the WTS, talking to neighbors, friends and even strangers about them, going into KH and leaving silentlamb fliers about sexual abuse, going to conventions and leaving info about sexual abuse, leaving fliers about sexual abuse on and in parked cars around KHs. leaving toy lambs and fliers at the front doors of every KH in Winnipeg, guest on SixScreens of the WT, hmmmm wondering what else? oh yea counseling people who either had a family member who was a JW or had been JWs themselves and were struggling with the exit process.

    I used to be shy and quiet. No more baby. I've turned into a roaring lion when it comes to exposing the WTS.

  • serenitynow!

    Lady Lee, with all due respect I think that you are a "Super Apostate," because of all the things that you do/are involved in in helping others. I must confess that when I first started lurking on this site, your picture frightened me. It's not a slight against your looks by any means, but something about your picture just personified "apostate," and I was already nervous about being on the site because of my intense fear of apostates.

    I'm over it now.

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    Lady Lee I saw you as that Sister you didn't F with cause she would grab your ear drag you to the coatroom and Warn you.

    And you took it!

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