can we talk "public apostacy" for a moment?

by chickpea 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Siiiimon when can we change our avatars?????

    Really I was a sweet person. Ask Mouthy? She knew me way back when. I was shy, rarely spoke up, more likely to disappear into the corner than be the centre of attention.

    A few here have met me and would probably still say I am sweet but I am no longer content to sit in the corner. Last week at the exJW Meetup we were talking about how the WTS mishandles sexual abuse cases. Now this is something I can get very animated about. We actually had a man sitting near us ask us to tone it down. Seems we I was talking too loud.

    I knew some sisters who would grab the ear and drag you to the back but it sure wasn't me. If anything I would be the one being dragged back because I wasn't contributing enough.

    The old me

    The new me

    I found my voice

  • exwhyzee

    Apostasy: abandonment of a previous loyalty

    Jw's welcome with open arms and a pat on the back, anyone who is apostate from another religion. The JW religion itself was founded by those who abandoned their former religions because of oppresiveness and or false teachings. The difference is, their family members and friends most likley were'nt required to shun them for exercising their free will.

  • ziddina
    "One Elder I ran into in the shopping centre , turntailed and ran, mumbling something about Satan. Seems I must have grown some horns ..."

    LOLOLOL!!! Hey, waitasec - !! That's MY line!!!

    Go, Chickpea!! Go, Chickpea!! SIC 'em!!!

  • chickpea

    well i can see you lot have been busy with the business of living!!!
    kudos all, for your willingness to embrace an authentic life.....

    so, as it happens, as was adroitly surmised by serenitynow,
    my upcoming spectacle of villiany and betrayal of my dedication
    will be in the service of a national advocacy group for LGBT

    >>> PFLAG (P-FLAG) Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays

    trying not to create a teal deer here, i must give some back story

    • in mid 1990s, a landmark, precedent setting case was heard in federal court of appeals involving a lawsuit against a school district that had failed to protect a gay student from bullying, harrassment and assault
    • the school district in question settled out of court for $900,000
    • this year, the Southern Poverty Law Center's (SPLC) Teach Tolernace Project has produced a 40 minute documentary
      • BULLIED: A Student, A School and a Case that Made History
        • the documentary is being distributed free to any school that requests a copy
          • since september 15th, they have distributed 25,000 copies
            • our PFLAG chapter is hosting a screening of this doco next week
    • THE school district is in the next town over
    • the student, now a 35 year old man, who still has his family in that town, will be our guest panelist, along with a teacher, still in the school district, who also appears in the doco
    • the school board in that city showed the film this past monday
      • every local paper (both) plus a duluth, mn regional paper, carried a headline about the reactions, some good, some inflammatory

    ok, so... the big deal is.... there is no other school district in the whole country besides this one, that has the ignoble distinction of being THAT school, even though, without a doubt, under slightly different circumstance, MOST schools could have been sued and lost! lots of ill will, bad blood, hurt feelings and other negative emotional garbage still being touted... even tho we STRESS the point of the doco is to call attention to bullying and start the dialogue about how to make schools safer!!!!

    anyway, i will be the moderator for the panel after the screening.... our venue is expected to exceed capacity (according to the amount of inquiry the manager is fielding)... we have been contacted by a PR rep who was warning us to be prepared for multiple scenarios of negative displays, and I have been in contact with SPLC's Teach Tolerance Projects director and their security specialist... we are advised to have ON-DUTY law enforcement present and visible, because now that there has been press, SPLC is worried about hate groups that target their events.... even tho this isnt their event, their name has appeared with ours..... we have been told to expect film crews....

    granted, this could all be a tempest in a tea pot.... but it could also be something we never anticipated.....

    come hell or high water, i am going to be there!! i just hope i can handle a stage part without a sister sitting across from me, agonizing thru some of the lamest dialogue ever imagined

    if you get the chance to see the documentary, or you have kids in school, see if your schools are screening it (comes with a guided study manual)

    every one who loves a child sends their heart thru the school doors every day, and wants that to be a safe place..... for every child!

  • ziddina

    Oh, Chickpea - girl, that is SO not going to be lame!!! Should be rather exciting, as a matter of fact...

    We're rooting for you!!


  • chickpea

    thanks zid....

    i know it wont be lame

    and i am hoping for tame!

    for the record, i was in "that" town yesterday cos that is where they keep the walmart
    and i stopped in at our food co-op as i was feeling peckish and OF COURSE there was
    a JW at the counter giving me the stink-eye so i just said "hi jxxx" as i concluded my
    business and walked out smiling.... i have MUCH bigger fish to fry than that!

    it is good to see so many are stepping out of the
    shadow of the Tower and into ex-JW ignominy!!!

    my tribe!

  • cantleave

    Still a little bit careful for job purposes, but am considered bad association .

    But anyone who knows my online presence will know I'm not shy about proclaiming the good news of apostacy.

    We enjoy the holidays and celebrations, I have a Satanic goatee and engage in swearing (if appropriate).

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    way to go chickpea

  • Bitch on Parade
    Bitch on Parade

    Lady Lee: To change your avatar go to, create an account with the email you have linked to this site, go through the upload steps and be sure to clear your cache.

    I've written a couple blog entries, gotten frustrated and called out JW lies to my mom in front of my sisters (BAD IDEA!) and spoken out at school when the topic of JWs came up. Nothing special or important really.

  • debator

    Acts 5:38-39 (New International Version)

    38 Therefore, in the present case I advise you: Leave these men alone! Let them go! For if their purpose or activity is of human origin, it will fail. 39 But if it is from God, you will not be able to stop these men; you will only find yourselves fighting against God."

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