can we talk "public apostacy" for a moment?

by chickpea 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I went to a birthday party in a church hall last week. I was fairly brazen.

    I tell everyone who will listen that JWs are a dangerous cult.

  • Ding

    How many heads got chopped off, Mickey?

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I don't have a Gravatar avatar. Myine predates JWN and was put in when JWD was active. So I can't change it until Simon let's us update our profiles - But thanks

  • LV101



  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    There is a lot more but it was late and I couldn't think of the others.

    Most of them aren't big things. We can all do them. Like speaking to our neighbor. I hated incidental witnessing as a JW. I love incidental witnessing as an apostate. I don't know if it the message or the fact that it isn't sa duty to perform. I even went door to door around the Kinddom Hall where I loved with fliers about the JWs and sexual abuse. No one was home but they got the fliers. And the whole time I could see the hall down the street.

    I have a message. it is MINE. No one orders me to do it. I do it because I believe what I say. No words put in my mouth from fake presentations from the paltform. My words My message.

    And you know what? People are interested. Really interested. Witnesses have been banging on their doors for years and they still know nothing about them. They are curious. They want to know. But they don't want is a crock of lies; a fantasy. They don't want false hope. I actually have to rein myself in or I would flood them with info.

    We have an unique perspective on a group of people that despite over 100 years people know almost nothing about. I say give them what they want! Its about time. Its overtime.

  • truthseeker

    Not public, but discreet.

    I am inactive and have no desired to be df'd since I have friends and family still in.

    It is possible to live a quiet life away from the WT if you're careful about what you say.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    absolutely truthseeker.

    In my position it doesn't matter but there are many like you who need some degree of privacy still. That's OK I speak loud and long enough for whole groups of people

  • DanaBug


    I love what you're doing! I'm a big supporter of LBGT rights also.

    Can you post a link so I can find out if this doc will come to my area?

  • chickpea

    truthseeker (and others)

    of course! you HAVE to figure out how to
    work the st00pid system of the b0rg in
    order to preserve bonds and family ties....

    as for me and my household
    we will serve jehovah we all
    got out within a year, from
    first to last and there is no
    impediment to our being the
    vocal and visible advocates
    we have chosen to be... i
    have no doubt that i would
    have a different outlook in
    a circumstance that had my
    relationship with family at

    even so, it is not everyone's
    cup of tea to have a public
    profile, ESP about hot button
    topics like LGBT equality and
    safe schools .... fair play either way

    link to source of documentary >>>

    it is available free to schools and educating agencies
    find out if it is in the schools near you, and if it isnt

  • Finally-Free

    I don't do anything I didn't do as a JW except smoke and swear more openly. I drink a lot less. About 6 years ago I was contacted by a reporter for a Canadian news magazine about a possible interview about JW stuff, but I declined. I had just left the cult a year earlier and the wounds were still a little too fresh, and I didn't want to sound like a bitter bastard with an axe to grind.

    I guess I'm not much of an "apostate".


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