Soldiers of Jah

by cofty 214 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • notverylikely

    NVL, I love ya dude. Heaven would be a crazy place with you. Hope you'll join me there.

    Thanks dude. I have a fondness for you too. And you still should call me.

  • brotherdan

    You and your Woody Harlson persona scare me, dude...

  • AGuest

    Greetings, dear Cofty, and peace to you!

    You seem to be allowing yourself the luxury of a knowledge of god as revealed in the NT through Jesus and taking that back with you in your theological DeLorean to the Bronze Age. None of the soldiers in the Israeli army appear to have had such insight.

    And that was their problem, dear one: they SHOULD have had it... because Noah had it... Abraham had it... Jacob (Israel) had it... Joseph had it... Moses had it. And they all got it from the same One that I received it from... who is the SAME one that accompanied THEM... Christ:

    "By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a short time. He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward." Hebrews 11:24-26

    "For I do not want you to be ignorant of the fact, brothers, that our forefathers were all under the cloud and that they all passed through the sea. They were all baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. They all ate the same spiritual foodand drankthe same spiritual drink; for they drankfromthe spiritual rockthat accompanied them, andthat rock was Christ." 1 Corithians 10:1-4

    "Iam thebread that came down from heaven." John 6:41, 51

    "ForMY fleshistrue foodandMY bloodistrue drink." John 6:55

    Having said that I do admire you for your refusal to justify a war crime as others seem ready to do.

    Thank you, but please note that while I did not justify I also did not discredit or deny. It isn't my place, here, at this time. I was only to answer the question as to myself.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • notverylikely

    Ah...but if people only live because of you...then you still own it.

    So my kids that are totally dependent on me owe me their life? What kind of sense does THAT make? None. Slaves that were dependent on their masters, so the masters had ownership of their life? Think about the implications.

  • brotherdan

    Stop taking away my arguments NVL! See my avatar. I am the sheep yelling at you. But I will give you a beer as soon as I calm down!

  • brotherdan

    AND YES!!!!! I overuse exclamation points!!!! What is to you!!!!!????!!!!

  • cofty
    Cofty, you have the right to think that "my" God is beneath you. You are allowed that opinion. But you are being deceptive, are you not? Are you not an atheist? Are you not trying to tear God down so as to show that He is not "real"? - brotherdan

    No I'm not being deceptive. I am pointing out that christians want to have their cake and eat it. You simply cannot have a good god and a literal Bible. There is a glaring contradiction in your worldview. If these things happened as the OT says your god would be a monster. If these things did not really happen by god's decree then your bible is no more special than any other book.

    And that was their problem, dear one: they SHOULD have had it... because Noah had it... Abraham had it... Jacob (Israel) had it... Joseph had it... Moses had it. And they all got it from the same One that I received it from... who is the SAME one that accompanied THEM... Christ - AGuest

    No actually Moses did not have it. He was the one who ordered the massacre of tens of thousands of babies in my OP

  • notverylikely

    No actually Moses did not have it. He was the one who ordered the massacre of tens of thousands of babies in my OP

    Don't forget it was Abraham that ordered penis mutilaion opening up the population bacterial infection and death. God loved his foreskins.

  • cofty

    Some arguments from christian apologists -

    It's right for God to slaughter women and children anytime he pleases. God gives life and he takes life. Everybody who dies, dies because God wills that they die - John Piper

    In some instances, God ordered the killing of entire populations, presumably including the killing of babies and children. Isn't God unrighteous in killing these innocent little ones? First of all, the Bible indicates that all people are sinners, including babies, and worthy of judgment. However, the Bible also indicates that children are incapable of making moral choices, so that they are automatically rewarded with heaven. So, in having babies killed, God is actually doing them a favor, since, if they had grown up opposed to God, they would have gone to hell. - Rich Deem

    What then of the children? Death would be a mercy, as they would be ushered into the presence of God and spared the corrupting influences of a morally decadent culture. But what of terrorized mothers trying to protect their innocent children while Israelite armies invade? Here, perhaps a just war analogy might help. A cause might be morally justified (for example, stopping the aggression of Hitler and Japan), even if innocent civilians might be killed-an unfortunate "collateral damage" that comes with such scenarios. Furthermore, the infants and children who were killed by the Israelites would, in the afterlife, come to recognize God's just purposes, despite the horrors and terrors of war. They would side with God in the rightness of his purposes-even if it had meant temporary terror. - Paul Copan

    By following these vacuous responses to their logical conclusion, "let the infanticide begin".
  • notverylikely

    Cofty, so what we should do is develop a breeder/caste system where we take some already damned to hell adults, like you and me, and create a breeder system whereby women pump out babies to be slaughtered straight to heaven. Of course, they are doing gods work of creating new little angels and therefore get a pass into heaven themselves. You could take some filthy heathens like you and me and make us responsible for ushering the little souls into heaven. Of course, since WE are also doing gods work, we ALSO get a pass into heaven, but since we are also the ushers, we of course would have to be a lower caste than the breeders.

    Everyone wins!

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