How do you know that Jesus wasn't misrepresenting the correct view?
A VERY VALID question.
MY view is this:
I am human and imperfect and my morals and sense of right and wrong are the same, imperfect.
YET, I know that when I read the horrific things attributed to God, I KNOW there were NOT right because the very morals given to US by God, tell me they are not right. When I read the teachings of Jesus and read the words of love, compassion, fellowship and kindness, I KNOW these thinsg to be correct and true because of that very same moral sense I have.
A moral sense given to me by God threough his son Jesus, given to ALL of US.
So how can I, an imperfect human with an imperfect sense of right and wrong, have superiour morals than the God they created them?
I can't, as such, by sheer reason, I see God for what God truly is as he revealed himself to Us in His Son, Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.