I'm an ABSENTHEIST. Are you also?

by EdenOne 284 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EdenOne
    You started a thread about atheism

    Strawman. The thread was about absentheism, whose precepts I explained as not conforming neither with atheism, nor theism, nor agnosticism.

    You have revealed that your intention was to bait me.

    Wrong again. Don't make this about you, you don't merit that much effort from me. But you walked right into it, as you usually do. The intention was not to bait anyone, it was to discuss a concept that I was proposing in a very light way. However, I suspected that you, as is your habit, would jump in and bite it, and sure enough, you did. I wish you didn't, but you always do. Other atheists in this forum don't do what you do. You may be an honest debater, but there are many honest bullies in this world. You're not alone.


  • cofty

    Eden - All this could have been avoided if you learn to think before you type.

    Calling somebody a bully because they don't let you have your own way when you persist in making irrational assertions is pathetic.

  • EdenOne

    *shakes head*

  • Viviane
    So, again, has anyone bothered to define "god" so we can determine whether it is absent or not?
  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    Lol Viv. That's like this ENTIRE thread. Just about. Fo real.

  • defender of truth
    defender of truth


    Belief in the existence of a god or gods, especially belief in a personal God

    You are either a theist or an atheist. You possess a belief in a God or you do not. Yawn.

    As for the Eden vs Cofty 'battle'..

  • EdenOne

    Viviane, you find one on page 14 of this thread. Apparently Cofty missed it too, because he is still asking for it. I should have bolded it...

    In any case, it was merely an example of what a deity could ideally be for me. It's pointless to deconstruct it because it was merely a prop for the sake of argument. Don't sweat it...


  • EdenOne

    Defender of truth,

    amen to that picture...


  • prologos

    Vivian, I started a thread on your good question 2+1/2 hours ago to have a clarification on that, "god", for good.

    Phizzy, thank you for comparing me to a thinker, and I am old. someone said we do not need a non-interventionist god now. fair enough, but we certainly need him before our universe's beginning. If he "died" and is absent, at least he left us a good inheritance, go to Simon's awesome food "thought provoking article, videos" thread!! compared to that work showing, what you can do in a lifetime. (if you work).

    IMO: "absent" primarily carries the idea of a missed presence, like "all the class was present, but xyz was conspicuous by her "absence".

  • Twitch



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