If You Were a Member of an Oppressed Minority ...

by snowbird 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    I get discriminated against for being too good-looking. People see me as just a pretty face. I have to work extra hard to prove that I have a brain to go along with it.

  • jaguarbass

    I'm an oppressed minority, I am a white male in Amerika.

    I take it one day at a time.

    The powerful group is the one world governemt who are bent on making Amerika a third world country.

  • AGuest
    How do you think you would be getting along now? Why?

    While I believe I'm doing great, dear Miz Sylvie (the greatest of love and peace to you, my dear!)... others may or may not agree. So, that "greatness" has to be put in perspective: great, compared to what? Meaning, I could be doing better... even a lot better... and I could be doing worse,perhaps a lot worse. If compared to my fellow African American minorities living in, say, the 9th Ward, I am doing quite well. In comparison to those who live in, say, Encino, the suburbs of 'Hotlanta, or perhaps Long Island... not so much. In comparison to my fellow citizens who live at or below the poverty level (which is not exclusive to oppressed minorities OR African Americans, but includes seniors, disabled, veterans, and unemployed of every ilk), I am doing quite well. Compared to those who live above the median income limit... and those we consider "rich" (over, say $750k/year)... not so much.

    In comparison to those, for example, that I went to middle and high school with (I was bussed from Southeast San Diego to the very affluent areas of Point Loma and La Jolla)... maybe not so much... but for many reason, including historical events in this country that led to various forms of oppression experienced by my ancestors/parents which may have reduced my chances of getting into a top university (i.e., lack of finances, references, and country club and other memberships where one meets folks to obtain such references)... as well as limitations placed by my own parents due their experience with being oppressed, experience living during the Great Depression, etc.... and, ultimately and most importantly... my own choices (which was, primarily, not to pursue/take advantage of scholarships but to start a family instead... which, given the little family I ended up with, I do NOT regret for one second!).

    My motto? "Bloom... where you're planted." I've lived in the 'burbs, the projects, inner city, and just outside the city. In rentals and have owned (do now). I've worked good jobs, GREAT jobs... and crap jobs. I've had plenty... and I know "want." And it's all relative. So, for ME, regardless of my income and neighborhood, so long as I am loved (by family and friends)... and have my health (relatively speaking, given my diabetes)... I believe I am "getting along"... just fine!

    Does being 59 count? I've been unemployed for 18 months and one of the things I'm running up against is an attitude that they want younger people. Probably against the law, but how do I prove it?

    You call your state Fair Employment agency... or the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)... and file a complaint, dear JeffT (peace to you!)... and let them open an investigation and prove it FOR you.

    http://www.eeoc.gov/ http://www.eeoc.gov/field/index.cfm http://www.eeoc.gov/employees/charge.cfm

    Peace to you both!

    A slave of Christ,


  • james_woods
    How do you think you would be getting along now?
    Asked in all sincerity.

    If I were the only black man working for NPR in broadcasting two weeks ago - I think I would have been fired for not being liberal/PC enough.

    But I would be getting along very well by going over to FOX for more money.

  • WTWizard

    We are all members of an oppressed minority--the individual. And, with all this polital correctness crap, we are all oppressed into having to speak in group terms.

  • miseryloveselders

    If I were the only black man working for NPR in broadcasting two weeks ago - I think I would have been fired for not being liberal/PC enough.

    But I would be getting along very well by going over to FOX for more money.

    LOL, you just had to get that dig in, didn't you?

  • lisaBObeesa

    I am not a member of an oppressed minority. I am a member of a privileged majority. I was born into a middle class white family. We didn't have much money (mom and dad were JWs dontchaknow) but still we lived in a pretty nice area with great schools.

    I left home at 18, went to work in a grocery store and didn't go to college. Today I live in a simple mobile home in a pretty nice park. A very nice park, in a very safe neighborhood. Because of the state of the country, I make less than my parents made.

    If I were a member of an oppressed minority, I would most likely be doing less well than am. I probably would not have grown up in a nice neighborhood and the schools I went to probably wouldn't have been as good. Though I had no special skills or credentials, I have always been hired for any job I have ever applied for...that might not have happened for me if I were a member of an oppressed minority.

    My great grandfather was the little boy standing on a box in the back of this picture... (The two little girls are my great aunts and we don't know who any of the other people in the picture are. This is on the Mississippi River around 1900....around 30 years after slavery was ended in this country. The black man on the right might have been a slave as a child..)

    My great grandpa had a pretty good start in life (his father had some money...and a camera), he did not go to college, worked hard through the great depression, did well enough to have a maid most of the time and gave his daughter(my grandma) an even better start in life than he had had...grandma also wasn't able go to college, but in her turn worked hard and gave her children an even better start in life...and now I'm doing my best to do even better for my kids by sending them to college. (I'm going to school, too.)

    I do believe that I am still benefiting from my great grandfather's privileged start in life. Actually, I know I am. The home I live in is from my grandma (it was her retirement mobile home) who was able to purchase it (and retire) in part because of money from her father, that little boy standing on the box.


    No, I don't think 'jehovah's witnesses' count as an oppressed minority. Not really. Well, at least not in America. 'White males' are also not oppressed in America.

  • watersprout

    I was oppressed as a JW...But now i have true freedom...I am free to become the person i was meant to be [if my parents hadn't been dubs].

    I was home schooled as i had a deep fear of school...It wasn't the school that i feared but the fear of ARMAGGEDDON! I was popular and i did well at school...In the cong i wasn't popular, was bullied quite a lot... I grew up in a middle class white family...The only horrid thing about my family is that we were dubs...Beansprout and I had a lot of freedom growing up...The other kids in the cong were never allowed to go anywhere and when they did they were like coiled springs let loose...I was oppressed growing up in the sense that i couldn't be who i wanted to be...Everything i love and interested in is viewed as demonic in the watchtower, so i had NO interests while i was a witness...When my ''airy fairyness'' came out in front of jw's i was called a ''freak''...In my circle of friends now i am not viewed as a ''freak''... The freedom i have now is awesome!

    In summary as a dub i was bullied, a freak, had no friends apart from the ones that became my friend only to get to know me then use what they knew to bully me, and to give the other bullies fuel...And i was a boring old fart with no interests! So yeah i was oppressed!

    Peace and light

  • Curtains

    well I have been part of an oppressing majority and a part of an oppressed minority and somewhere in between too. This song sums up how I feel


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    LGBTQ community

    Huh? I have never seen LGBT listed with a Q at the end - what does this initial mean? Queer? And it it means Queer, isn't that an insulting term to LGBT community itself?


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