The Doctrine of Hell

by Yizuman 226 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Think About It
    Think About It put the fun in, and take the mental out of fundamentalist. You are not giving anykind of reasonable response to a physical body needing to have an atmosphere of 21% O2, 78% N2 & 1% other gases to breathe, temperates that are not too hot or too cold, atmospheric shielding from radiation. etc. Not too mention.....all this eating & drinking would require an agricultural society to provise food, and some type of way to get rid of all physical body excrement. Have you even thought any of this out? Would make more sense that since heaven is an invisible, spiritual place, that Jesus and those that go there would have an invisible, spiritual body that doesn't have the needs or limitations of a physical body.

    Think About It

  • designs

    See, I wasn't kidding, Jesus as Superman is the explanation- remember your Greek mythology lessons.

  • Think About It
    Think About It
    Jesus is alive and well in His physical resurrection body, not a "spirit creature" ghost as the WT claim.

    Designs......this part of the discussion started when Stephen gave a list of "proper views of Jesus", that I would imagine you had to have the same views in order to avoid hellfire for all eternity, and then when he jabbed the JW's on the belief that Jesus was a "spirit creature ghost".

    Puzzling why the scriptures speak of spirit bodies, and one of the "Persons of the Trinity" is the Holy Ghost. Now if I remember correctly, you don't have 3 Gods, but you have 3 Persons manifested as 1 God? Now I'm seeing that the Father & Holy Ghost are spirit creatures and Jesus is a Superman with a physical body that defies all logical limitations, but still it's not 3 separate gods.

    Yeah right.....makes perfect sense for somebody to be tormented for eternity in hellfire for not believing this.

    Think About It

  • designs

    You are wise beyond your years Lotus Blossum.............ohmmmm


    Some very funny and interesting posts on this subject. The bottom line is what do you believe? Do you believe the bible is the word of God?

    The bible is quite clear that Jesus rose to heaven bodily. He wasn't the only one either, wasn't someone else in the OT taken to heaven on a fiery chariot?

    How could he live? I guess with God, all things are possible. Do you believe that bible is the word of God or not.

    Jesus spoke more of hell than heaven you know, but if the bible is just an interesting book, then no, there is no hell and Jesus never rose to heaven.

    If the bible is the word of God, then, yes, there is a hell for the false prophet, fallen angels and those who refuse their savior.

    Just adding my humble opinion.


  • designs

    Confutation 1. Where is Hell with a God that is Omnipresent (everywhere).

    There's more but we will start with the subject at hand (Hell).


    Confutation 1. Where is Hell with a God that is Omnipresent (everywhere).

    Designs, That's a good question. I don't have an answer, but I do believe the bible is the word of God...........

    so, I guess I believe in hell. As a topic, hell is quite scriptural. It would be contrary to God's justice to think that my ultimate fate would be the same as Adolf Hitler's.

    Again, just my humble O.


  • Ding

    Think About It,

    The Bible doesn't give a detailed explanation of Heaven, so the idea that a human being could exist there doesn't contradict the scriptures.

    How do we know what can and can't exist there?


    You asked: << Where is Hell with a God that is Omnipresent (everywhere). >>

    Are you asking how Hell could be a place without God if God is omnipresent?

    One response to that is that God is present there but solely to punish.

    Or am I misunderstanding the gist of your question?


    Also worth mentioning that scripture indicates that hell is beneath the earth. Sorry, I don't have the chapt and verse on hand

    perhaps Stephen?


  • designs

    The Second Attribute of God's Infinity- Omnipresence

    In just one article from the Presbyterian Church we find- 'God fills every point of space with his Being', 'God is not everywhere present', 'God is not equally diffused throughout space'. This was from one of their top Theologians trying to address The Trinity vs Pantheism and Deism..

    See the problems. Is God filling every point of space in Hell with his Being but not everywhere present or not equally diffused throughout Hell.

    It gets better, after this discussion let's apply this to you humans and the problem of 'sin' which will send you to Hell and omnipresence.

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