Welcome and thank you for sharing your story. Hopefully the good things in your life will displace the past and its hurtful memories.
New here..
by breakfree 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Welcome Breakfree,
Don't say sorry for an absorbing story. This is the 2nd story of the week where the actions of the elders with a minor have resulted in damage that exists decades later. I'm so sorry that your parents think this was a proper way to treat a child.
I have not experienced anything quite so harrowing. I know of someone who has and their parents have the same attitude as yours do today.
I think as JW's we sometimes go through many situations where repression is expected. I'm glad that you are finding your way out of this, getting back to normality.
Isn't it great to have your own family that can make it's own choices now, free from following some harmful code? You are giving your children the protection and the chance at life that you weren't given
How can a child be old enough to understand and commit their life to a cult but be too young to be able to kiss a boy? Something's rotten in Denmark.
Open mind
So much valid pain in your post. I don't discount a word. But you'll turn a very healthy corner when you can focus on these things:
".still happily married now with 3 kids."
"my mom feels bad and admits she probably wouldnt do it they way now,"
"My husband admitted to me that he never believed it but he lived it to be with me. He is the most amazing man in the world,"
...and hopefully many others like them in the years ahead.
Wishing you peace and healing. Welcome to JWN.
Welcome Breakfree! Thank you so much for sharing your story. What those elders did is disgusting. A bunch of perverted men getting off on THEIR OWN thoughts of WHAT THEY WOULD HAVE DONE! I'm sorry your parents took part in this - I know they thought they were doing God's will but God would never ask of such a thing with a child. I cannot understand EVER kicking a child out of the house - 16 is when they need adult support the most! As I've mentioned in many posts before the WTS undermines family in order to preserve loyalty to them and not to family members. They are evil.
I'm glad you have a happy family and a supportive husband. You are free! Live your life and give your kids a wonderful life!
You've come to the right place to share the journey to healing. I wish you and your family all the best.
Think About It
Welcome Breakfree. What a great story. Glad things turned around for you. It amazes me the number of people whose parents threw them out of the house as kids because of those old men in Brooklyn that they don't even know. I know of a guy who was also throw out at 16 and the JW family has had no contact with him for 40 years. What a sorry cult.
Think About It
I bid you welcome, breakfree.
I am so glad that I never came to know the humiliation and misery of facing a Judicial Committee and I'm glad that you don't want to risk your daughter facing the same from these freaks. I also feel that I've been robbed somehow. It continually amazes me how utterly legalistic and loveless this organization is. How could you parent kick you out of their house when it was still their legal obligation to take care of you? The Lie TM truly twists the minds of its believers. A small thing we have in common is that I also stopped attending meetings about two years ago.
One more thing; don't apologize for your long post. It was very well written. I hope you participate and contribute here instead of being a mere lurker. We need more good writers like you.
Take care,
JWs are not nice people. Your parents should have had some tough love from the police over their treatment of you when you were 16. Welcome and I am so glad your husband is a loyal husband to you- not the WT org.. Welcome, Breakree.