Welcome. I am so angry for that poor 13 year old you. The GB must be perverts to encourage elders to speak so inappropriately to children.
New here..
by breakfree 55 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Welcome to the board! It is wonderful to see all the newbies coming out of the woodwork these days and we are all very grateful that this site exists so that we can tell our story and unload our pain. It feels better to get it all off your chest.
The only problem is that you and me cannot get back the time wasted in the sham of a religion. We just have to be determined not to waste any more time there. You are lucky that your immediate family is intact and you have their love and support.
Best wishes for the future.
Glad you're out Don't let them rob you of any more of your life, you are free.
Billy the Ex-Bethelite
Welcome! Thanks for sharing your story.
Found Sheep
Thank you for your story. It gives hope hope for you and your family and I hope so many IN that want to be OUT!
Welcome Breakfree,
And take comfort in the fact that it will get better as time goes on. The first year after I left was one of mass confusion and anger. But in due time you will think less and less like a Witness.
Hi, new here too. Thanks for sharing your story.
I'm very sorry to hear about how your parents treated you as a teenager. I don't understand how a parent can do that to a child.
The good news is you can prevent this kind of crap from hurting your own.
Welcome to JWN!
hey welcome too! Ive had that peverted sort of jc meeting but I was way older (19). I feel so sorry for your 13 yr old self ( i have young teens myself and cant comprehend putting them through anything like that). What a lovely hubby you have...wow..thanks for your well written story!