Another 144,000 Question

by Cold Steel 36 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Listener

    Ken's and barbies, very funny.

    I do wonder how accurate their interpretation of this is as I have seen them use the same scripture to say that it is referring to the annointed who go to heaven.

    But I do find it doesn't make a lot of sense in God's purpose for mankind. If Adam and Eve were to fill the earth and this is what we to occur on the seventh day (and it being a rest day from creation) then it doesn't follow that men and women would return to the earth on that seventh day as having no sexual identity and an inability to procreate.

  • cameo-d

    Listener: then it doesn't follow that men and women would return to the earth on that seventh day as having no sexual identity and an inability to procreate.

    Maybe the "inability" to procreate is something that will be dictated by those who are ruling. We are at the end of the 7th day now. And some still choose man's rule over the Natural Laws of the Universe.

    For thousands of years man has allowed priests and pharisees to rule them. It seems that the majority of humans prefer to be ruled. They support that system of rule by the things they do by participating in it.

    The new rulers will claim to represent christ and to speak on his behalf. No longer will it be "Jehovah/YHWY" in charge. It will be the same game but called the Messianic Kingdom this time. At least, i think that's what the game plan sounds like. Maybe people will morph into Transhumans.

  • DanaBug

    A thought just occured to me ,did angels have free will? What was the test the angels had to undergo???What was the penalty for angels who failed the test ?? If you compare the horrendous outcome for humans, compared to the angelic species, their is no comparison!!! So then who is going to rule with Christ over mankind??Imperfect human beings?? 144000 ??So who do you think would be more authourised to do so ??Angels???

    I'm curious about this too. Do angels have free will? What do JW's believe?

  • DanaBug

    The org says that the resurrected ones to earth will be neither female nor male (and we are not to speculate the good and bad of this). But it means their purpose on earth will be different.

    Where's that in the Bible? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just want to see that for myself.

  • Lozhasleft

    I never had any desire whatsoever to go to heaven...God puts the hope into your heart with the anointing/calling so that changes you completely. And yes it causes a furore when you first partake of the emblems....especially if you dont wear a twinset and pearls and sport a grey me I wear the scars!

    Loz x

  • Listener

    Danabug said

    Where's that in the Bible? I'm not trying to be argumentative, I just want to see that for myself.

    Watchtower 61 11/15 states

    So for dead ones with spiritual, heavenly hopes and for dead ones with earthly Paradisaic hopes the rule enunciated by Jesus Christ stands unaltered: “In the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven.” (Matt. 22:30) At the flood of Noah’s day angels were punished for entering into marriage, which in that instance was with the daughters of men because they were so lovely-looking. (Gen. 6:1-4) In the resurrection of the “other sheep” on earth, no former married person will have occasion to envy another former married person, as would be the case if this latter one got back his former marriage mate who had remained single, whereas the envious marriage mate does not get back his former partner because this partner remarried and survived Armageddon with his new marriage mate. What the resurrection promises men is, not remarriage, but reliving, and this under God’s kingdom by Christ. Is that not something satisfying? Has anyone a right to demand more through Christ’s sacrifice? Christ died for you, not to marry, but to live! Let us not be swayed or overcome by sentimentalism or emotionalism

    This was the understanding but a later watchtower magazine states that they are only taking an educated guess on this matter.

  • serein

    actualy it dosnt mean the ones reserected to the earth it just means the ones going to heaven. thats how iv understud it from reading it so jws havnt a clue cos they dont have holy spirit flipin helping them understand,only have blokes at the top helping them understand

    as for me when i used to think about parradise i used to imagine being able to go to other worlds and stuff and i also beleived that maybe thers deff aliens out there whol be coming to see us when the worlds a nicer place,

    i dont think wel be super humans, not straight away anyways

    i think we have to gain that over time,

    plus i think its all bull crap now iv been thinking about it

    i mean why would he just put one man in the world to start it off

    i mean he only made eve cos adam was moaning cos all animals hade a sex partner and he dint

    i could be reading it all wrong

    why would god put one man on earth especialy with the size of it it just dosnt make any sense to me one bit

  • Listener

    Serien it is very clear in the W quote that they are talking about both the ones resurrected to heaven and also those resurrected on earth. It says

    So for dead ones with spiritual, heavenly hopes and for dead ones with earthly Paradisaic hopes the rule enunciated by Jesus Christ stands unaltered: “In the resurrection neither do men marry nor are women given in marriage, but are as angels in heaven

    I think you may have got confused when it says 'but are as angels in heaven'. All that means is that it is a long accepted belief that the angels in heaven are neither female or male They are saying that those resurrected will be the same (as angels in being neither female or male) in both cases of the heavenly and earthly resurrection.

  • debator

    The rest of "creation" await the end of 1000 years for the full blessings. Bear in mind that The bible calls the 144,000 the first-fruits which indicates more to come. whether it be heavenly or earthly

    If being on a paradise earth was so Bad why did angels come to live on the earth before the flood when it wasn't even a paradise?

  • serein

    it says in matt about the wife whos all husbands died and which one gets her and he said none cos theyl be like the angels in heaven

    it dosnt say anywere that they gona neither be male or female, just says they wont be geting married in new system,

    it dosnt say which reserection them people he was talking about was going to be in neither,

    also in rev 22 :15outside of the gates r the dogs those practicing spiritism,fornicators(,idolaters )and( everyone carrying on a lie!!!!!)

    (jws idolise the gb and the gb lie) i dont read the coments of the watchtower i read the bible form the book its self and iterpret it how i think not how u think, and i say it means the ones going heaven and also the ones who come back on earth yes but when the second death has been done away with then people wont marry and have flipin kids

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