You asked:
If the President and Vice President of the WTBTS (before the GB was fully enpowered in Dec. 1975) approached you and asked you to compile what was to become the new Aid To Bible Understanding book, and they further told you to keep this book PURE and not to follow organizational dogma...would you personally write down a bunch of lies on chronology supporting the 1914 teaching, or would you tell the PURE TRUTH as directed, about the matter -- which???
To answer your question specifically, I believe the general consensus here (at JW.Net) is, because we (JWs) all existed in "cognitive dissonance" for so many years prior to the special invite from the President/Vice President of the WTBTS, we should have done exactly as Raymond Franz did, namely thoroughly research the 607 bce chronology date, and then personally make an inward determination that the 607 bce date was complete FALSE information, and then proceed to irrepairably damage or "sear" our christian-conscience (as shown at 1 Timothy 4:2) and proceed to "righteously" write in the new Aid To Bible Understanding publication that the 607 date was actually TRUTH, so that millions upon millions of innocent, UNKNOWING Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide (like ourselves) will continue to be MISLEAD! That's what we were supposed to do, if we were presented with that opportunity, GFNB!
I hope this answers your question, GFNB!!!
Wow...what a startling revelation, from our friends at JW.Net!!!