I have to admit that when I read Ray's book I had mixed feelings about his involvement with the GB.
Ray Franz Was Wrong
by Farkel 144 Replies latest jw friends
The Finger
I have to admit that when I read Ray's book I had mixed feelings about his involvement with the GB.
If you know from the evidence that something is, or has been wrong but you knowingly turn a blind eye, what does that make you?
A person who hears his neigbor viciously beating his wife but does nothing is...
These Governing Body men are manipulators of the evidence before them and like the nasty neigbor, no matter how much a person may want to believe he's a good guy the screams tell a far different story.
No excuses. The "Buck" has to stop somewhere.
Given that the GB claim that they are directed by Jehovah's spirit and that public disagreement with them merits disfellowshipping with consequent loss of everlasting life, they bear a HEAVY, self-imposed responsibility.
Those on the GB who realize their claims are bogus (if any of them do) are the most culpable of all.
Those on the GB who really believe their own claims are more frightening.
Satanus, you are right on! Was Ray Franz a victim? He did perpetuate the Society's wrong beliefs for a time. he BELIEVED it UNTIL he began to really question certain things and then it became apparant there were mistakes. Yet he did not even want to leave. He wanted to work to make changes. Why? Was he a big bad perp of the WBT$?
I don't think so.
I'm not saying they don't have responsibility.
I'm saying I agree with Franz to some degree that these men (in the early 70's) were "victims of victims)......Minimus
So..When is it time to "Man-Up"?..Never?..
Bo-Hoo..I`m a Victim!..
I`m totally Stressed and I need a Fruity Drink..I don`t care who Works for Satan..
For the ones who read my post and saw that I clearly stated that I don't think the R&F dubs are victims: thank you for noticing that I wasn't pointing fingers at them in this topic.
For those who think I implied that R&F dubs are not victims: please understand I already made that observation.
Those who have intimate knowledge on the inside and who are, in fact, those who make ALL decisions on what to do and believe and what not to do and believe, can hardly be described as "victims" of their OWN decisions. This is especially true when there is no Biblical support for their decisions, and they are making extra-Biblical decisions and claiming those decisions are based upon the Bible. And even more true, when they knowingly publish LIES, like all their lies about why they joined the UN as a NGO.
THAT is the huge gulf that separates R&F dubs from their spiritual masters, the REAL criminals in that religion.
I offer them not a whit of mercy. Or forgiveness for what they have done. I leave that up to God, and if God happens to be "Jehovah", they are really screwed. "Jehovah" has massacred folks for far less than what those bastards have done. If Jehovah's didn't think these BABIES were "victims": the millions of little babies he murdered in the flood, sodom and gomorrah, the zillions murdered in Israelite wars, the Egyptian first-borns and god-knows-what-else (pun pardon), what do you think Jehovah will do to men who lied in his name, falsely prophesied in his names, falsely claimed do speak for Him in his name, let people die needlessly in His name, destroyed families in His name and ruined countless lives in His name?
Given that, do you think "Jehovah" thinks of the men on the GB as victims? Hardly.
Fark, do you think Ray Franz was at all a "victim"?
The GB is responsible for what they do,whatever their motives. Motives are hard to guage without meeting any of them personally for a prolonged time as Ray did, but their harmful actions can be seen clearly and for that I hold them entirely responsible.
The Governing Body has always contained a mixture of personalities, some are alpha leaders while others are compliant followers. Membership brings a shared responsibility (even when you fall asleep during the meetings).
Franze saw errors and tried to correct them from the inside and as a result was given the jackboot.
To his great credit he didn't crawl back but continued to put the spotlight on the wrong and help many, many others escape.
Thanks Ray.