Farkel, you again write an excellent post and argue the point well, and it is well taken. It is hard for me, (and maybe I am still governed by my old belief system...) to think that they are completly aware of how wrong they are on all levels. That being said, I have always completly believed that they know quite a bit of it is BS. I think the reason they are unwilling and unable to change many policies, is that without them, the R&F will certainly stop preaching, (What would be the point?) stop so many meetings, and really, I suppose, why join at all?
I know an elder, who, when I asked about something that I knew that the rest of the congregation didn't, (That they don't report your time to the org until the 20th or 21st....I had heard this from another JW elder in a cong in another city) said to me laughingly, "Well, some things the congregation can't know. If they knew we had changed the date, they wouldn't turn it in until the 20th and we'd still be calling the late ones!)
It's that kind of attitude the GB has I think.