Hey fellas, as you got older, into your early 30s, did you start finding women between their late 30s and late 40s attractive?

by miseryloveselders 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • tenyearsafter

    I'm with Simon...attractive is attractive...but with that said, when I was in my 40's younger women appealed to me more than women my own age or older. Now that I am in my late 50's, I find the maturity and "low maintenance" aspects of women in their 40's and 50's make them much more attractive in my eyes. I love the great figure and pretty face that embodies many younger women, but that often comes with a price tag I am no longer willing to pay. Now I see attractiveness as encompassing more than just physical beauty...and so many more "older" women have remained beautiful and gained a maturity that enhances their physical attractiveness. Maybe I am gaining some maturity as well in my "golden" years...

    Fortunately, I have a beautiful wife who fills all the qualities of attractiveness for me!

  • Leprechaun

    I constantly when I can, look at fine Bootie, I don’t care what age they are. Basically I don’t trust a single one of them as far as I can throw them, but I sure love to love them in any nocturnal way I can. Yummy yummy!

  • 1Robinella

    I hope you don't mind, I'm a girl speaking here....hehehe this subject is funny.

    I'm 38 years old and since I hit my 30's I've had guys in the 20's hittin' on me. I don't feel 38. I physically feel 20ish but mentally I feel mature. Don't get me wrong, 38 isn't old. At first, I was like "whatever" but geez I'm thinking that it's experience or something (you know what I mean). I've always been thick/skinny (not boney) around size 8 but in the last 1 1/2 year I gained about 15 pounds and feeling a bit irritated by it, but it doesn't seem to matter to these guys. I think it's funny. Please don't get me wrong, I'm not bragging. It's just something I've noticed, my hubby has noticed too. hehehehe

    At work we have these horrible uniforms that we have to wear. It makes anyone with a good butt look flat and wide. Just look at the McDonalds uniforms. lol but I work in a hospital and I was at work walking to our department (down a hallway) and met up with other employees that I work with and they were talking about younger guys liking older women and I mentioned that I think it's kind of flattering in a way, and one of the guys looked at me and said "It's cause your hot." I totally blushed. I still get think it's nice, sometimes it's nice to hear. But I have often wondered why some younger men like older women.

    After reading some of these I suppose I know why....hummm

  • FlyingHighNow

    Older women are more seasoned and interesting. They have experience and character. They also have years of practice when it comes to kissing.

    When I went to work after my divorce, in my early forties, most of the women who worked with me in the gift shop were my age or older. The hostesses and waitresses were mostly college coeds in their late teens and early twenties. I remember thinking all of the women on my team were much more interesting to listen to and look at. Then is when I began to try to imagine what these younger, beautiful girls would look like with a few character lines, gray hair streaks and deeper, more mature voices.

    When I posted this comparison on my facebook, a friend who knew me a s teenager said:

    Terry Drake
    Like a fine wine!!!

  • St George of England
    St George of England
    George, we all know how much you love your wife and that you wouldn't dream of looking at another woman no matter what age she is...

    I do look but with no intent whatever and my wife knows that and is very happy with it. I haven't strayed in 40+ years so no chance now!


    If a female is younger than mid twenties, It's hard for me not to think of her as the proverbial airhead.

    When I want a sensible conversation I'll call my broker! (Gene Hackman)


  • CuriousButterfly

    Thank God or I would be in trouble. lol

    I do have to say that the older I get men seem to find me somewhat attractive.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    YES!! Actually since my early 20's I always found a woman around 40 or so super-attractive. There was something about maturity in life that really stood out for me.

    And let's not even get into a woman with a sexy, mature voice. I'm very happily married. But if I wasn't, IT'D BE ON LIKE DONKEY KONG!! LOL

    Now I'm in my early 30's and I stil feel the same way. Except I see some women even in their 50's that are absolutely beautiful and precious.

    And they got a job, real hair, and real fingernails, and don't give a dang about what others say! Das what I'm talkin' about now! HOLLA!!


  • Snoozy

    By the time you hit the 60's as long as they are breathing it's a plus

    As far as men go the ones with lines/wrinkles and grey/ receding hair or even bald are very attractive to me.

    Those young wimpy guys have nothing on them.

    I wonder if guys are the same way? For some reason I doubt it. I think they would all turn to look at a young hot babe..yep!

    Of course they will deny, deny, deny..


  • FlyingHighNow

    I see younger guys who are very attractive. But I don't really take particular notice of them unless they have good personalities and keen intelligence. I would never date a guy so young though. We are at different times in our lives. Youngsters deserve to have their whole adult experience unfold naturally, including starting families if they want to. I think it's a selfish thing for a much older person to thrust a young person into the oldster's world. And it's kind of sad and even a bit pathetic to see an oldster trying to fit in with the youngster's world. I am talking huge age differences here, not more reasonable differences.

  • Nowman

    Another woman here...Im 36 soon to be 37. I definitely get hit on more as I get older than when I was younger. Not bragging at all. Its nice to have to this happen, I m close to 40 and it definitely helps my ego hee hee.

    I do think its because of confidence, life experiences, etc.

    I think that confidence is a big turn on for most.


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