I'm a Democrat and none of these are how I would handle it. The joke is lame and inaccurate. Every Republican I have ever met would do the following:
If they saw a beggar on the street: How pathetic. Get a job. I'm not giving him my money to spend on drugs/alcohol.
If they saw a teenager who needed sex ed: Abstinence only!!! All sex is evil evil evil!!!
If they saw the pregnant teenager about to get an abortion: Abortion is evil evil evil! You MUST have that baby!!! You're poor? Well have it anyway. You have "options"!
If they saw the child of that pregnant woman poor on the street: How irresponsible the mom being on welfare. Get a job! You can't afford child care? Well too bad! You should have thought of that before getting pregnant!
If they saw that child as a teen or young adult asking for a job: Nah ... you're not educated enough. You have no skills that I can't get cheaper in another country? Nah ... no job for YOU!
If they saw that child as an adult in prison: Good riddance of the scumbag!
If that same child committed a serious crime: Forget being "pro life"! give him the death penalty!!!