Yeah, they brought us the weekend but for all those hard-won battles, we have people who are willing to work for free on those weekends. It's like Women's suffrage and then women don't vote.
I know someone who works for a corporate giant whose bottom line, a lot of businesses could only dream about. Top earners in the company make a TON of money.
This person I know works as a middle manager so he is an "exempt" employee. They laid off everyone who was under him. EVERY SINGLE PERSON in his department except this person! So now his work load quadrupled. Obviously, the demand for the product is still there since the workload didn't disappear. He is technically no longer a "manager" and "exempt" because who the hell does he manage? So he should be getting overtime pay. But he's not.
He's working seven days a week now, ten hour days, slaving away for his boss, worried that his ass is next in line. SAD!
But when his wife mentioned that they were worried that their son is going to be 18 and drop off of their insurance because he's not going to be a full time college student, I told her, "Well now he doesn't necessarily have to drop off because of the new health insurance law." She was thrilled to hear the news. Until her hubby chimed in, "THAT'S GOING TO BE REALLY TOUGH ON BUSINESSES!" BAD BAD BAD!
What the F???? This man's business could MORE than afford to pay insurance! And that's what he is worried about? That his boss is going to have to pay for it???? His boss who has time to spend with his family and go golfing while his employee spends NO time with their family, let alone have recreation time????
People are freaking brainwashed!