I haven't decided. Maybe I'll put it up the week of Thanksgiving... I am so excited I cant wait
When are you putting up your Christmas Tree?
by AwSnap 29 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know if I'll be putting one up this year. The last few years I've found all the holidays depressing. They remind me of how good things used to be compared to how shitty they are now.
The only reason I put one up last year was because of my bird. He's fascinated by all the lights and ornaments. I might put one up again just for him.
If it's artificial, whatever works in your life...if it is real, be aware of the fire hazards and the need to keep them watered.
This year when I put up my tree, I'm gonna write the names of all my favorite posters on each decoration
Mouthy ( Granny) you'll be #1 just so you won't come back to haunt me one day for neglect
Immediately after Thanksgiving.
Darth plaugeis
When the wife yells
DARTH GET OFF your ASS and get the TREE!
2 days after that!
LoL, Darth. Finally-Free, I love that you do things like that for your bird. I feel the same about my dogs. I'm using a fake tree this Xmas...I've always used real ones. But I found a fake one that really looks real! So excited
As soon as the girls are home from college for Thanksgiving Break.
Like Finally Free I have to put up lots of lights and trinkets to keep my cats happy. They get so excited, especially when their stockings are filled with cat nip toys (Yes, I am a crazy cat girl)
Blondie, I cannot WAIT for you to organize the Christmas card exchange again this year. I've ordered holiday postcards from vistaprint.com & it even has our picture on it. I've ordered 100, so hopefully lots of folks participate .
ps...last year, a lot of folks wrote very generic Xmas greetings. I hope its a little more personal this year...maybe include a picture
Hmm... I might not put up a tree this year; we're probably not exchanging gifts at our house, so why have a tree???
(Of course, we - I - did Halloween up right, this year!!!)
(Besides, I'm sick of doing Christmas all by myself...)
However, NEXT Christmas, we'll be in North Carolina... Soooooo, if any of you are in the North Carolina area, and I think you are, AwSnap, maybe we can meet up!!!!