Latest apostate warning in Feb 15 2011 Watchtower

by dozy 144 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • MrMonroe

    The whole "experience" stinks to high heaven.

    1. Who were the "apostates" he gained his information from? There are certainly some low-value books out there by evangelical Christians attacking JWs, but are they apostates if they've never been JWs? There are also some pretty strident anti-JW books by former Witnesses, but no one with brains would take obviously polemical literature as the final word on the anti-JW side of the debate. The fact is there are plenty of quality books out there examining the JW beliefs and practices, starting with Franz and Penton. Beckford, Holden, Rogerson and Gruss also spend much time discussing the control methods of the GB.

    2.Where does one "research" "apostate" claims? In other "apostate" books? Or does one rely on the confident WTS statement that they have already done all the hard yards in thoroughly researching apostate claims, so all you need to do is read their statements?

    3. No intelligent person who saw through the WTS bullshit and began reading books attacking the Witnesses would willingly return to the Kingdom Hall and submit to the tyrannical, autocratic, "tough love" rule of the GB. If it did indeed happen as described, "Andre" would be a very unusual experience. He would clearly be a braindead individual, but also very easily led. If he is so easily persuaded, who knows which way he will swing next?

    4. Amen to the other suggestions that he returned because he wanted to recommence contact with his family and pulled the wool over the elders' eyes with his oh-so-humble confession, giving the elders the rare satisfaction of getting one over the apostate "enemy".

  • MrMonroe

    " I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were."

    Who the hell speaks like that apart from the Watchtower?

  • Scott77
    "...Happily, Andre returned to the congregation." Watchtower Feb 15, 2011

    How do we know Andre returned back to the congregation as a 'happy' person? In Andre's situation, what are the measure of or indication of happiness? Was that a smile on the face? a laugh? Could have the WTS read his inner heart to ascertain his level of happiness? OMG! what a deception this organisation is!


  • exwhyzee

    "I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were" MrMonroe said: "Who the hell speaks like that apart from the Watchtower?"

    I became aware of how crafty the false teachers were. Information taken out of context was their ‘strong evidence’ against us. Thus, I decided to start reading our publications again and to attend the meetings.

    When I saw the word "THUS" I knew Andre was a ficitious character.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    This does however serve as a warning to those who publish sites with 'apostate' information to make sure they do actually publish FACT and full CONTEXT does it not?

    i do, and i am sure others do also, know of several sites that have some pretty far out unprovable stuff on them.

    and THAT does not do our cause any good whatsoever.

    I remember at the start researching through some pretty awful apsotate mis truths or out right deceptions to find the real facts. If that is the sort of stuff the no doubt ficticous 'Andre' looked into it would be no wonder he would go back to the WT.


  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    'Andre' is definitley a made up character and all the other details of 'his' journey are an exaggeration. The personnel in the WTS writing department have quite an imagination, wouldn't you say?

    As the old saying goes 'desperate times call for desparate measures'. The WTS is DESPERATE! They will say and do anything to cast a bad shadow on these forums.

  • Quentin

    I wonder how many active apostates are active jws in good standing?

  • cantleave

    Aussie makes an excellent point. I have seen some laughable stuff spouted by antijw sites. Mirror images in WTS illustrations are a good case in point.

  • exwhyzee

    Aussie makes andexcellent point. I have seen some laughable stuff spouted by antijw sites. Mirror images in WTS illustrations are a good case in point.

    Like anything else, you have to use your best judgement. I too have seen information that is easily refutable and some of the comments even had a tone of "sour grapes" or come across as being from someone with an "axe to grind". None of it however, has ever served to make the WT look anymore accurate or served to "undo" the harm the WT has done to my family and to the dozens of people I know who had their lives turned upside down when they could no longer in good conscience, go along with the program.

    The difference to me is that unlike the WT, you are free to use your own best judgement and your own conscience, and you are not punished or ostracised for doing so. No one is telling you that God is going to kill you, or you can't have a relationship with him if you don't go along with their ideas, sell their literature, or acknowledge yourself as belonging to a man made orginization before you can get baptized. They are not trying to manage your relationship with God or intervene in your salvation.

  • AGuest

    Hmmmmmm... says "Viewed 5149 times." Whose willing to go "5150"?? LOLOLOLOLOLOL!

    IMHO, I think they made it up... like they make a lot of stuff up... to scare their members. I mean, since their members are rather easily scared...

    (Though, you'd think a statement like that might prompt one or two of the more courageous ones... or at least the ones who think they're so Watchtoweringly invincible to rise to the "challenge", say something like "'Jehovah is with me, so I'm not scared" and give looking beyond the WTBTS... uh, I mean, beyond "apostasy" a whirl. Yeah, right...).

    So, IS this the most read post ever? Just askin'...


    SA, on her own... of the "I think SBC's response was the most appropriate and so related to that one" Class...

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