POLL: Can you turn your mind off?

by Lady Lee 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OK hang on. I am sitting here No music. No radio. No TV. Nothing. Just me. I am sorting beads - a task that requires 1% thought. It's still noisy in my head thinking about what you all post. Wondering what it would be like. How much I would get done in a day.

    But no. My mind is busy wondering if the rain stopped and I can get out to the library. What will I write for tomorrow's column. What do I need to get for the kids and grandkids for Christmas. Gotta get me tree out of storage so I can decorate it. Maybe I should go down and check the mail. I wonder if my tray is dry yet (tray for pendants - I make jewelry) Maybe I should see if I can hook up my TV to the computer.

    Like I said it is busy in there. I think someone forgot to install an off switch

  • Satanus

    In a computer reset, the computer is actually turned off for a time. In a successful meditation attempt, sometimes the mind can be shut off for a bit. So, they are both OFF. That's the correlation point. Afterwards, the mind is more at ease, for a while. It's like resetting your computer when it's acting up.


  • Twitch
    I can't even play music without my brain anticipating the next note

    I would think that the norm for musicians, after all one must keep count and know where to go next, but I must qualify this by saying I don't read music. To me, the song structure is like Lego with different size pieces and colors representing the verses, choruses, bridge, outro, etc. It's all just patterns really and variations thereof. I usually "look down the road" and think of the pattern if I'm not 100% on it or think of something different to try this time.

    Interesting thing though, even when playing I'll go off on a tangent and think about stuff. Perhaps the day's events, perhaps about that girl at the third table and if she likes bass players (lol) or if my beer is low, etc. Bass is pretty easy so I guess that helps but it's kinda funny. Sometimes I'll get caught daydreaming and miss the change,...

  • Twitch
    In a successful meditation attempt, sometimes the mind can be shut off for a bit.

    The best pool player I know is into mediation and he's said that he can slow his mind down to one thought and keep it there. Interesting.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    MrsJones I don't think I could handle meditation


    It's been my experience that when women are quiet, they're thinking deeply about something. Playing all kinds of scenerios out in their brains. The quieter a woman is....lookout when she starts talking again...

    yup I think you are right. Meanwhile the guy is thinking "Thank gawd she finally stopped talking!"

    But the rest? Really? I can't imagine a guy saying all that. Ever!

    Darth on video

  • Darth plaugeis
    Darth plaugeis

    I play guitar and was in a band for a LONG time and even when I would be on stage I would find myself Dazing and then realize I had no Idea where we were in the song didn't even know if I did my lead yet.

    I just played by repetition.

    Then other times I would forget the chords and notes for a song I would start to panic.... and I was taught by other Musicans if this happens try to turn your mind off don't think about anything and you will find...... you are playing the song right on the money and if you start to think you can really mess up.

    It is quite funny how it can work!

    Ps No Drugs or Booze..... you can't play that way!!!!

  • undercover
    But the rest? Really? I can't imagine a guy saying all that. Ever!

    You're right. We don't say that. We're thinking that's what we'd like to say, but we know that would go over like a lead balloon, so we take the coward's way out and say, "nothing".

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Satanus but but but my mind isn't acting up. It's just . . . . busy

    Twitch I dodn't know you played music. Something else you and Nosferatu have in common then. I was wondering when a guy would fess up to thinking about women

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    undercover - but at least it would be honest and well we might stop asking if we got answers like that lol

    Darth - I understand the thinking too much about something when we are doing it. When you know something then thinking too much about it slows you down and you make mistakes. Better to let your body memory (or in this case finger memory) do the work and take over

  • GrandmaJones

    I am a woman, and therefore can't know what a man thinks, but...

    I think the answer of nothing means one of the following:

    1. What I am thinking, you don't want to hear. It'll just be a fight.

    2. All you want to do is talk, and right now I don't feel like it.

    3. Nothing that you would want to talk about.

    4. I am busy and I want to concentrate on something else. (Kind of a "leave me alone right now and shut up")

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