POLL: Can you turn your mind off?

by Lady Lee 77 Replies latest jw friends

  • poppers

    Meditation can be an aid to control thinking, but it can also prolong the thought process itself because it creates in the mind the idea that "I am now meditating", it creates a "meditator" that gets identified with. Any kind of identification with thought is just more thought. At best, most meditations can help you to stop thoughts momentarily, but once the technique stops thoughts tend to be just as frequent.

    The key to stopping thoughts is to simply observe them without judgment, without trying to get rid of them or to hang on to them. Trying to stop thoughts is like standing on a board and trying to lift yourself off the ground. The very effort of trying keeps thoughts in place becuase the effort itself employs thinking. So instead, simply sit down with eyes closed and observe them closely - watch them come and go again all by themselves. By letting them come and go there eventually arises the realization that what you are is not dependent on thinking; the observing of thoughts/mind comes from silence itself. That silence is your true nature, your essence, and once you recognize your true nature thought stream tends to quiet down all by itself.

  • BabaYaga

    Bingo, Poppers. Well said.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I never try to stop thinking. it is what keeps me creative. In fact I wind up working on ways to funnel the creative part of my brain all the time. Its busy in there. I don't want to stop it.

    I know how to space out. That is easy. But that is still thinking - just about something else. Sort of like being at a JW meeting and thinking about your shopping list or wondering whetehr you forgot to turn the stove off.

    I do visualizations but they are very busy. I actually use those when I am having a hard time going to sleep.

    But my main thought here was that men seem to be able to think about nothing, as in there is nothing going on, not that they are thinking about what "nothing" is or isn't.

    I don't think I would ever want that kind of silence going on.

    I can certainly be calm and think of the beauty of things around me. But then that too is still thinking

  • VampireDCLXV

    I have ADHD. Do you really think that I can stop my brain from doing anything for even a split second? Hardly...


  • darkuncle29

    I know that when I have said "Nothing." in response to the question, it was because I was just daydreaming or following my own little thought train. The idea of explaining what my thought train was or its context to me, seems like an unwelcome chore. i think comunicating about one's internal mind space could seem like a daunting task; there's a lot of information and detail, and to make any sense of it all, you need to describe the details and what it means to you.

    Try this on: What if a guy asks another guy "What are you thinking?"

    If the answer is "Nothing" then it is either "Nothing", not important, or too private. If the answer is anything else, then I think that most guys would try to describe or communicate what they were thinking.

    The monkey mind is the constant chatter that meditation pratitioners talk about. That is the surface chatter, the worry about picking up kids, the writing of mental grocery lists and other things. For me, this constant chatter aggravates my feelings of anxiety. I like music, but don't listen to much music. Mental silence or at least economy of words and thoughts, feels like a balm to me.

    Perky chattery people tend to drain me or drive me nuts.

    I think "Can you turn your mind off?", I think its off when we're alseep and not dreaming, otherwise awareness is always present. I think its the surface mind, the chattery mind, that we can learn to quiet or turn off.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well it seems that from the responses some people so experience total silence but it isn't exclusive to men and not all men expereince it.

    I don't think I will ever understand it because it is far from my experience but at least I now know they aren't jsut avoiding telling me what they are thinking.

  • bohm

    I have previously tried to be quite drunk and bicycling home, and there has been stretches of road i would suddenly realize i had absolutely no memory of having driven. I am happy to now understand this was really a scientific experiment to probe the inner workings of the brain, and not just mindless drinking.

    I am quite certain my girlfriend sometimes "tune out" her head, she has at least said so. In the name of science i should properly mention she is blonde, but i hope you will anonymize the article so she wont hurt me for that comment. ;-).

  • Snoozy

    Yes, I can turn my mind off...it took training but I can do it. It is a pleasant feeling also but a constant struggle to keep things from popping in ..

    I went to a Dr when I was pregnant and he tried to teach me self hypnosis. It was to be a natural childbirth using self relaxation techniques.

    It didn't work, I went for the drugs..lol

    But, I did learn to relax my body one limb at a time and it works . As I get older though I find it harder to get them to mind me..it's like they have developed a mind of their own..

    I think in some way this has helped me to be able to clear my mind .


  • Sam Whiskey
    Sam Whiskey


    Yes, I can. I can also control the destiny of characters in my dreams. Seriously.....

  • HintOfLime
    OK Ladies You know how this goes. You ask your man, "What are you thinking about?" and he says, "Nothing."
    Is this a guy thing?
    Can you really turn off your mind and there is nothign going on?

    I think you are reading WAY too much into this.

    "Nothing" is just short for "Nothing important" or "Nothing that needs to be discussed." My ex used to reply "oh nothing" to that question - I never once thought that meant she was just sitting there staring at a wall. She was probably thinking about sex or something.

    I suspect the 'nothing' response has nothing to do with gender, and everything to do with the family/cultural environment you were raised in.

    - Lime

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