Men are result oriented (as a rule) while women are process oriented.
If a man is not currently working on producing a result he is thinking: nothing. Which is to say he IS THINKING (mind is active) in the way a women
thinks ordinarily.
Men don't count this as thinking, however, because it produces a redundant loop without result.
Men want to give answers which END a process.
That is why men hate it when their significant other wants to "talk" (i.e. go over something without having an end result.)
Men don't like to "talk through" or "think through" problems. Women require it.
Very few functions in a human are involuntary. Heartbeat doesn't require active conscious awareness, for example.
Both sexes must think continuously to sustain life.
Studies have demonstrated to researchers that multi-tasking lowers the overall results of each task performed as to quality of performance.
Women (evolutionarily the child-rearing and homemaking sex) are hard-wired to multi-task mundane chores naturally. To do this efficiently their brains are INVOLVED in conscious consideration of the ACTUAL PROCESSES involved.
Men, on the other hand, are end result providers. Accomplishing telelogical tasks is goal-oriented. Multi-tasking is a distraction from focus.
Women wanting men to be more like themselves (and vice-verse) is an unnecessary obstacle to mutual understanding.
Multi-tasking Adversely Affects Brain's Learning, UCLA ...
ScienceDaily (July 26, 2006) — Multi-tasking affects the brain's learning systems, and as a result, we do not learn as well when we are distracted, - Cached - Similar
Men and Women Really Do Think Differently | LiveScience
Jan 20, 2005 ... The topic has always been a gray matter, and now it's a white matter - Cached - Similar