Photo of Judge Rutherfod at desk with several bottles on it!

by VM44 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Leolaia

    I've never seen the image before and it is suspicious as well. What looks suspect is not the bottles but the Judge's face. It seems to have a higher sharpness level than the other objects in the scene. Also the hands do not look natural. Both things are subjective but suggest the possibility that Rutherford's face was added to an original image (a liquor ad?), along with the book and hands. The image quality is abysmal and no source is cited, which does not help matters either. I would suggest contacting the website author to see if he/she has any info.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    i recall Barbara Anderson saying something about finding gross photo's of Rutherford

    i personally wouldn't be at all surprised if the judge had photo's of himself with his prized canadian booze.

    kinda like private trophies...


  • 3Mozzies

    Looks fake to me the face seems out of place because the light is hitting his face from the right while the rest of the photo looks like it was lit from the front.

    Here is the photo in question:


  • Leolaia

    Another very obvious thing is that the contrast and dynamic range is very different for the figure and book compared to everything else in the room. There is much less contrast and a more even graduation of grey for everything else, whereas for Rutherford and the book, it is basically white and black and little in between.

    But forget about that, JUST LOOK AT THE HANDS.

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    Bogus,... looks to me like either the whole person has been inserted and then Rutherfords face stuck on it, or else the face, hands and book inserted onto an existing body in the photo. If you google c.t.russell and choose pictures you will see another version of it which looks less contrasted, but still looks to have his his ear and a slice of head missing, so still been photoshopped I'd say.

    Defo bogus though... which = Apostates 0: JW's 1. Stupid, pointless and ultimately self defeating.


  • boyzone

    Does anyone know where to find the original photo? Then comparisons can be made. Got a feeling I've seen it somewhere, just can't remember where.

  • oldlightnewshite

    I use photoshop in my line of work and do retouching. Some things seem odd to me. The light source is coming in from the top right, as the shadow falls over the left of da Judge's face. However, if you look at the second bottle from the left, it seems that the shadow is falling over the right side of the bottle, with the highlight on the left. It does look a little odd when you look at his pose. The hands are a bit wrong. The light source comes in from the right, and the right hand shouldn't be so 'bleached out', as it would be hit by the shadow from the column/curtain on the right. Da Judge was a big fat man, so I think he should be sitting higher up in his chair, and impose slightly over his desk. The right hand seems somehow twisted, and is a bit too far to the right. Any discrepancies on paper grain are inconclusive.

    Having said all that, the image is of such poor quality, it's very difficult to tell. It's 50-50 whether it's a fake or not. Don't rule it out.

    I could make a much better forgery than this. Anyone wanna send me some pics?

  • DagothUr

    The position of the bottles on the table is impractical. A person who holds bottles on the table and intents to consume them has at least one glass in the vicinity. Furthermore, the bottles should be grouped in his right side if he was right-handed or viceversa. And the final argument...the labels are displayed ostentatively. The bottles were placed as in a booze commercial. I think the photo is tampered.

  • Mythbuster

    Here's a clearer version:

  • Nickolas

    I think the folks above have nailed it. An old ad for booze onto which the face has been superimposed. It was probably a newspaper or magazine ad for a single distributor or distiller so maybe an exhaustive Google search will turn up the original picture. Anybody recognise any of the labels?

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